Academic Staff

M.Sc. Christopher Jahns

Academic Staff

M.Sc. Christopher Jahns

R11 T09 C20
+49 201 18-33746
+49 201 18-32703
Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 12
45141 Essen


  • Jahns, Christopher; Stein, Tobias; Höckner, Jonas; Weber, Christoph: Prevention of strategic behaviour in local flexibility markets using market monitoring – Concept, application example and limitations. In: Energy Policy, Vol 174 (2023) No C. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113427Full textCitationDetails

    Market-based congestion management has been proposed as a more efficient means of coping with congestion issues in zonal market designs. However, strategic behaviour has been identified as a fundamental problem of market-based approaches. This paper focuses on strategic behaviour in the setting of a local flexibility market. In this type of market, trading occurs in parallel with the intraday market and flexibility is verified by reporting baselines through a verification platform. Under these conditions, market monitoring based on statistical tests is presented as a countermeasure. By implementing tests that are robust against autocorrelation and based on the illustrative example, it is shown that the identification of strategic behaviour is possible. In combination with appropriate regulatory sanctioning, strategic behaviour can become less attractive and, in the best case, be prevented leading to a reduction in congestion management costs. The simplified example presented in this paper can serve as a basis for more complex use cases where additional factors need to be considered.

  • Dressler, M.; Furtwängler, C.; Görner, K.; Jahns, C.; Liekenbrock, J.; Oeljeklaus, G.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Abschlussbericht Pre-Engineering Studie: Das flexible Kraftwerk der Zukunft, Essen 2020. PDFCitationDetails
  • Jahns, C.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: Supply curves for hydro reservoirs – Estimation and usage in large-scale electricity market models. In: Energy Economics, Vol 87 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104696CitationDetails
  • Beran, P.; Furtwängler, C.; Jahns, C.; Syben, O.; Vogler, A.; Warszawski, M.; Weber, C.: IT-Werkzeuge und -Systeme für die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von KWK- und Speichersystemen - Stochastische Optimierung von Multi-Asset-Systemen in NRW (StoOpt.NRW), Aachen, Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Jahns, C.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: Supply Curves for Hydro Reservoirs - Estimation and Usage in Large-Scale Electricity Market Models, 01/2019. Essen 2019. Full textCitationDetails
  • Baginski, P.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: Mittelfristprognose zur deutschlandweiten Stromerzeugung aus EEG geförderten Kraftwerken für die Kalenderjahre 2019 bis 2023, Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails

Tutored Theses:

  • Probabilistische Modellierung von Einspeisung aus Windenergie in Deutschland mit Hilfe eines GAMLSS (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, in progress) Details

    Background and content of the thesis:
    The infeed of intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) increases in the European energy system and subsequently its relevance for several market participants. Predic-tions of RES infeed are used, among others, in energy trading and power plant dis-patch. Particularly rare events of low RES infeed are significant in analyses on security of supply, due to the high share of RES infeed in the total power generation. Security of supply and generation adequacy specifically is assessed in probabilistic approaches with simulation models, that generate many realizations of energy system uncertain-ties such as RES infeed. In a simulation model, distributional models, such as general-ized additive models for location and shape (GAMLSS), are a promising approach to estimate non-parametric distributions of RES-infeed.
    This master thesis aims to develop, implement, and evaluate a distributional model to estimate the distribution of onshore wind infeed in Germany, incorporating relevant exogenous factors. The focus of this work will be on parameterizing the distributional model, involving extensive data preparation and exploration. Subsequently, a case study will be conducted, simulating the onshore wind infeed using a simulation model based on the estimated distribution.
    For more on GAMLSS see: Stasinopoulos, M. D., Rigby, R. A., Heller, G. Z., Vou-douris, V., & De Bastiani, F. (2017). Flexible regression and smoothing: using GAMLSS in R. CRC Press.

    Interest in econometrics and data science, preferably previous knowledge in program-ming with R

    Contact person:
    Further information are available on request by Maike Spilger. Tel.: +49 201-183-6713,
    If your interested, please send your application documents (curriculum vitae, tran-script of records, letter of motivation) to the email address mentioned above.

    Bitte klicken Sie auf den nachfolgend Link für weitere Informationen.

  • Optimierung der Vermarktungsentscheidung von Aggregatoren batterieelektrischer Fahrzeuge unter Unsicherheit (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, in progress)
  • Redispatch in Deutschland - Analytischer Vergleich von kosten- und marktbasiertem Redispatch und die mögliche Einführung eines hybriden Modells. (Master Thesis Business Administration, 2024)
  • Produktion grüner Wasserstoff On-Grid vs. Off-Grid (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2023)
  • Pathways for natural gas markets and corresponding pricing mechanisms in China (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2023)
  • Die Digitalisierung der Energieübertragungsnetze und ihre Auswirkungen auf Prozess- und Produktinnovationen in der Energiewirtschaft (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2020)
  • Analyse des Effizienzvergleichs der Bundesnetzagentur für Verteilnetzbetreiber im deutschem Gasnetz (Bachelor Thesis Economics)
  • Die Digitalisierung und ihre Auswirkung auf Geschäftsmodelle kommunaler Energieversorger (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
  • (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering)
  • Faire Preisfindung bei der langfristigen Vermarktung von Erneuerbaren Energien (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering)