- Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; Navigating Delegated Acts 27 & 28 of RED II – Impacts on the Hydrogen & eFuels Markets, eFuel Alliance e.V., Webinar, 29.10.2024, digital. PDFRecordingHydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogenDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Umwelt und Energie der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR), 24.10.2024, Hagen. Details
- Hofmann, Arnd; Breder, Marco S.; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Optimization model for simultaneous controlled charging of electric vehicles in distribution grids in rural, suburban and urban areas; 8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 07.10.2024, Helsinki (Finland). PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Brunsch, Daniel; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; SDEWES, 12.09.2024, Rom. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Weber, Christoph: The future spatial distribution of onshore wind energy capacity based on a probabilistic investment calculus; OR, 05.09.2024, München. PDFDetails
- Breder, M. S.: Assessing the role of electricity tariffs for the provision of flexibility by households - A stochastic MCP approach including the system perspective; 13th INREC (2024), 28.08.2024, Essen. PDFDetails
- Fäßer-Stock, Fabian; Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Meurer, Felix; Weber, Christoph: Conceptualizing procurement of frequency stabilization services in energy systems with high shares of renewable energies; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2024, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Spilger, Maike; Böcker, Benjamin; Weber, Christoph: Extending Least-Squares Monte Carlo to a System-Oriented Study on Storage Operation; 13th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Weber, Christoph: Heterogenous investors in energy system models; EURO, 02.07.2024, Kopenhagen. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.: Distortions in energy related decision-making at households – An MCP approach incorporating system perspective; EURO 2024, 01.07.2024, DTU, Denmark. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik: Nutzung von Onshore Wind Marktstammdaten zur Entwicklung regional aufgelöster Einspeise- und Investitionsmodelle; Workshop "20 Jahre AGEE-Stat", 17.06.2024, Dessau-Roßlau. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Preferences for EV charging tariffs: The role of perceived complexity in system-beneficial tariff designs; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilitaet, 13.06.2024, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian: Projektvorstellung MOPPL - Mathematisches Verfahren zur Kopplung von Energiesystem- und Infrastrukturmodellen; TransHyDE Vollversammlung, 29.11.2023, Leipzig. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Räumliche Anreize für Power-to-Hydrogen durch Marktsplitting; Abschlussworkshop MODEZEEN, 28.11.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.: Empowering Generation Adequacy: The Impact of Energy Storages Evaluated with a System wide Least Squares Monte Carlo Approach; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Learnings and Prospects of Stochastic Modeling in Adequacy Assessments … and beyond; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Mikurda, J.: Link between Generation Adequacy and Market Modeling: Unveiling Vulnerabilities of the Energy System; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Böcker, B.: Stochastic Modeling of Energy System Uncertainty; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian: Non-Residential Rooftop PV in Germany - Development and Potential; SDEWES 2023, 25.09.2023, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Weber, Christoph: Accounting for seasonal storage dispatch in expansion planning of integrated power and gas systems via Benders Decomposition; OR 2023, 31.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: OR models for the energy transition coping with uncertainty and heterogeneity; OR 2023, 30.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Spatial Incentives for Power to hydrogen through Market Splitting; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFSpatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market SplittingDetails
- Radek, Julian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Decision on electric vehicle charging tariffs: Investigating the trade off between system friendliness and convenience; 8th Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment, 12.07.2023, Bochum. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Market diffusion and regional distribution of electric vehicles - a combined modelling approach; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, 11.05.2023, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Ostmeier, Lars; Weber, Christoph: Reviewing energy transition studies in the light of the recent European gas market developments; Enerday 2023 - 17th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 05.05.2023, TU Dresden. Midterm perspectives on natural gas after the European gas crisis: Reviewing German energy transition studiesDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: On assessing the value of decentral flexibility given different flexibility deployment and TSO-DSO coordination; Enerday 2023, 05.05.2023, Dresden. Details
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data; Enerday, 05.05.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, Lisa: Uncovering Inefficiencies in the Market for Energy Efficiency: The Role of Heating Costs Disclosure; 9|KSWD, 27.03.2023, Berlin. Investigating inefficiencies in the German rental housing market: The impact of disclosing total costs on energy efficiency appreciationDetails
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Ergebnisvorstellung BMWK-Forschungsprojekt „ZellNetz 2050“; VDE ETG Sitzung, 16.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Zellulare Energiesysteme: Herausforderungen der Modellierung dezentral organisierter Märkte; IEWT 2023, 17.02.2023, TU Wien. Details
- Spilger, M.; Schneider, D.; Weber, C.: Assessment of generation adequacy taking into account the dependence of the European power system on natural gas; 13. International Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 15.02.2023, Wien. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Radek, J.; Weber, C.: Decarbonizing the German power sector – A case study on the integration of power-to-hydrogen and H2-imports; 44th IAEE International Conference, 06.02.2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Details
- Ostmeier, L.: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Betrachtung ; Zwischenergebnisse des Projekts iFlex KWK 4.0, 30.09.2022, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V. (GWI) Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets –a mixed complementarity approach; 11th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2022 (INREC), 27.09.2022, Essen. PDFDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the value of distributed demand side management technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing regional differences in view of locational pricing mechanisms; 17th IAEE Europen Energy Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens. Details
- Voswinkel, Simon: Using the Shapley value to share costs of congestion management in a realistic power grid model; 17th IAEE European Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens, Greece. Details
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik 2022, 12.09.2022, Basel. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Furtwängler, C.: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels – a comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.; Weber, C.: Using Open Access Power Plant Data for Stochastic Availability Modelling; International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2022), 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV-Battery Systems in the Electricity Markets–A Mixed Complementarity Approach; Mapping the Energy Future - Voyage in Uncharted Territory, 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokio. Details
- Bucksteeg, Michael; Voswinkel, Simon; Blumberg, Gerald: Zonal Market Coupling in Europe – Flow-Based Capacity Allocation with Integrated Redispatch; 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokyo. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; EURO 2022, 03.07.2022, Espoo, Finnland. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Incentivizing Flexible Operation of Bioenergy Power Plants – subsidies, markets, or both?; GEE Student Chapter 2022 , 24.06.2022, Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; GOR Workshop: Workshop of the working group OR for Environmental Protection, 22.06.2022, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20.06.2022, Manchester, UK. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the Value of Distributed Demand Side Management Technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing Regional Differences in View of Locational Pricing Mechanisms; SDEWES SEE 2022, 23.05.2022, Vlore, Albanien. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Entwicklung der Energiemärkte; 19. Duisburger KWK-Symposium, 20.05.2022, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Kolkmann, S.: OSMOSE Final webinar series WP2: Market design modeling and analysis for flexibility; Final Webinar Series, 04.05.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
Weitere Information finden Sie hier.
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Focusing on the impact of market splitting on power to hydrogen; MODEZEEN Hydrogen Workshop, 07.04.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; 10th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2021 (INREC), 16.09.2021, Essen/online. Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?Details
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets – a mixed complementarity approach; International Conference on Operations Research, 01.09.2021, Online / Bern. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt - Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), 26.08.2021, Online/Seoul. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does Regional Disparity Matter; 9th Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment, 20.05.2021, Mannheim / online. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Regulatory and Policy Aspects for a Cellular Design of Electricity Markets; 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, 19.05.2021, Virtual. Details
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Effekte flexibler Stromproduktion durch Bioenergieanlagen auf das deutsche Strom- und Wärmesystem; Workshop: Flexible Bioenergie – Markt der Möglichkeiten, 02.12.2020, Online / Leipzig. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.; Schinke-Nendza, A.: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach; IAEE Podcast, 09.10.2020, https://www.iaee.org/en/podcasts/podcasts.aspx. AbstractDetails
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt – Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; GOR Online-Workshop der AGs Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis, OR im Umweltschutz, Projektmanagement und Scheduling, 08.10.2020, Bochum. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; VfS Jahrestagung 2020, 28.09.2020, Köln / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: A Novel Design for Electricity Markets based on the Cellular Approach; 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 17.09.2020, Stockholm. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: The Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing and Rental Prices - Evidence from North Rhine-Westphalia; REAL CORP 2020 - 25th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, 17.09.2020, Aachen / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian: Zwischenergebnisse des Beschaffungskonzepts zur Spannungsregelung (Projekt SDL-Zukunft); BMWi Workshop zum Beschaffungskonzept Spannungsregelung 1m 14.05.2020, 14.05.2020, digital / Berlin. Details
- Schinke, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen; 7. Arbeitstreffen der User Group "Strategisches Asset Management in der Energiewirtschaft", 12.12.2019, Leipzig. Details
- Felling, T.: Solving the Bi-level Problem of a Closed Optimization of Price Zone Configurations in Europe Using a Genetic Algorithm; Informs Annual Meeting, 07.11.2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Quantifying the worst case impact of strategic bidding on a redispatch market; 16th IAEE European Conference, 28.08.2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models - An iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack; 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 24.06.2019, Dublin, Ireland. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic optimization under price uncertainty in auction-based electricity markets – A Case study; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montreal. Details
- Beran, P.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Spot market price effects of reserve provision – analyses based on a parsimonious fundamental model; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montréal. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Modelling Flexible Market Participants in Distribution Grids by Coupling an Agent Based Simulation with a Fundamental Model; IAEE 2019, 30.05.2019, Montreal . AbstractDetails
- Schinke, Aiko; Osinski, Paul; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen - Ein probabilistischer Ansatz für Netze mit hohen Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe „OR im Umweltschutz“ der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR) , 17.05.2019, Karlsruhe. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Preventing gaming on a local flexibility market; Strommarkttreffen Engpassmanagement, 15.03.2019, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Power-to-gas im zukünftigen Energiesystem bei unterschiedlichen Technologie- und Politikszenarien; Abschlussworkshop des BMWi-Projektes „LKD-EU“ , 27.02.2019, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 13.02.2019, Wien, Östereich. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – What influences welfare? - Energy Market Developments and Implications for Portfolio Management; E-world energy & water, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Coal Exit -Ecologically and Economically Efficient?; E-world, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Osinski, P.; Baginski, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Midterm Forecast of German RES Generation and corresponding Support Payments; E-world energy and water Kongress, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: KoNeMaSim - Kopplung von Netz- und Marktsimulation für die Netzplanung; 2. Statusseminar „Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze”, 21.11.2018. Details
- Baginski, P.: Spatio-temporal diffusion of residential solar thermal systems in Germany: A spatial panel data analysis; YEEES (Young Energy Economists & Engineers Seminar), 08.11.2018, Florenz, Italien. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Reserve Provision by CHP Units and its Impact on Equilibria in Spot and Reserve Markets ; 13th SDEWES Conference, 03.10.2018, Palermo. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: On the Evaluation of Multivariate Event Probability Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting; 2018 International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – The Effects of Using Heuristics, Lack of Cooperation and Process-Induced Uncertainties; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber: The impact of sector coupling technologies on the future European electricity system - A scenario analysis; Operations Research 2018, 12.09.2018, Brüssel. AbstractDetails
Program and abstract could be found here
- Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation on Power System Dynamics - Panel Session: PV in Grid Friendly Services; IEEE PESGM, 08.08.2018, Portland, OR, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Doorman, G.; Weber, C.; Farahmand, H.: Balancing market integration - Model-based analysis of potential cross-border reserve exchange between Norway and Germany; European Energie Markets (EEM), 29.06.2018, Lodz, Polen. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: How price zone configurations impact system costs in the European power system; 41st IAEE International Conference, 11.06.2018, Groningen. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Marktorientierter Betrieb von Wärmepumpen: Fallstudienbasierte Evaluierung von Flexibilitäts- und Kosteneinsparpotenzialen aus dem Projekt „Die Stadt als Speicher“ ; 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2018, Graz/Austria. Details
- Heidari, M. Sc. Sina: Global Gas Investments and the Impcat on European Gas Markets; E-world, 07.02.2018, Essen, Germany. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current Developments in Portfolio and Risk Management “Optimal Power Price Forecasting accounting for Forecasting Horizon” ; E-World Kongress, 07.02.2018, Essen. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; AIEE Energy Symposium , 30.11.2017, Rome. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Preisgleichgewichte zwischen Regelleistungs- und Spotmärkten und der Einfluss neuer Regelleistungsmarktteilnehmer; VDI-Tagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft 2017“, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Beran, P.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Kurz- und mittelfristige Preisprognosen: Auswahl optimaler Modellierungsansätze unter Berücksichtigung des Prognosehorizonts; 12. VDI-Fachtagung – Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices”; Second AIEE Energy Symposium, 04.11.2017, Rom. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 23.10.2017, Houston, Texas, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.: Simplified Battery Aging Model – Implications for Storage Valuation; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 07.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: New Business Models and Regulatory Risk in the Energy Sector; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 06.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.; Weber, C.: A consumer decision-making process? Unfolding energy efficiency decisions of German owner-occupiers; 12th sdewes Conference, 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Böcker, B.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C.: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2017, 13.09.2017, Essen, Deutschland. Details
- Beran, P.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious model for the complex German electricity system – what lessons to be learnt; SET-Nav Modelling Workshop, 07.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; 15th IAEE Eruopean Conference 2017, 06.09.2017, Wien, Österreich. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: Modelling German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices with a Parsimonious Fundamental Model – Validation & Application; 15th IAEE European Conference, 06.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference on Operations Research – Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society, 06.09.2017, Berlin. Details
- Böcker, B.: Battery aging and their implications for efficient operation and valuation; Strommarkttreffen - Flexibilität, 25.08.2017, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: A robust approach to transmission constraints in zonal electricity markets; IFORS Conference, 18.07.2017, Quebec. Details
- Böcker, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 17.07.2017, Quebec, Canada. Details
- Baginski, P.; Weber, C.; Kuske, K.: Regional distribution of small scale photovoltaic installations in Germany and its drivers: A spatial econometric approach; 40th IAEE International Conference, 21.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, W.: Inefficiencies in Zonal Market Coupling due to Uncertainties in Generation Shift Keys; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.: Impact of Geographical Diversification of Wind Plants on Generation Adequacy – A German Case Study; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapur. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference WindFarms 2017, 01.06.2017, Madrid. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Price equilibria in spot and reserve markets and the role of new player like CHP; ÖGOR – IHS Workshop 2017: Arbeitskreis „Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“ 2017, 27.04.2017, Wien. Details
- Felten, B.: Modellierung neuer Marktgebietszuschnitte in Deutschland und Europa; 15. Treffen der Expertengruppe H2-System des Netzwerks Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff NRW, 20.03.2017, Düsseldorf. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: The Fukushima-Effect and Plunge in German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices – Analysis with a Parsimonious Fundamental Electricity Market Model; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Strompreismodellierung “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Valorization of aggregated decentral flexibilities - Opportunities and challenges under the current German regulatory framework and market conditions; smarter europe conference, 09.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Furtwängler, C.: Marketing Flexibilities of a Simplified CHP Portfolio; E-World 2017, „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portofolio- und Risikomanagement“, 08.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Frensemeier, E.; Hemkendreis, C.; Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.: Herausforderungen der Energiewende im Quartier; Forschungskolloquium, 31.01.2017, Dortmund. Details
- Osinski, P.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Regional modelling of electric load and renewable infeed time series in Europe; 11th SDEWES Conference, 08.09.2016, Lissabon. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Valuation of Battery Storage Systems in Second Life Applications; International Conference on Operations Research, 31.08.2016, Hamburg. Details
- Baginski, P.: Energy Efficiency in Districts – Non-technical Drivers; IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2016, 19.07.2016, Boston, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Storage Valuation Consicering Aging Processes (Lithium-Ion); 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 04.07.2016, Poznan, Polan. Details
- Pape, C.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Estimating the value of flexibility from real options - on the adequate specification of hybrid electricity price models; 39th IAEE conference, 20.06.2016, Norwegian school of economics (NHH), Bergen. Details
- Felten, B.: CHP Plant Operation and Electricity Prices - Analytical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 39th IAEE International Conference, 20.06.2016, Bergen. Details
- Dietrich, A.: Erlöspotenziale für Flexibilitäten im Stromsystem; 8. Branchentag Windenergie, 14.06.2016, Düsseldorf. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Niesen, L; Osinski, Paul; Weber, C.: Modeling Flow-Based Market Coupling – Theoretical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 11. ÖGOR-IHS Workshop & ÖGOR Arbeitskreis 2016 "Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 28.04.2016, Wien. Details
- Baldursson, Fridrik M.; Bellenbaum, Julia; Lazarczyk, Ewa; Niesen, Lenja; Weber, Christoph: Optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources – analytical insights; IEEE Energycon 2016, 08.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Identifying price zones using nodal prices and supply & demand weighted nodes; IEEE Energycon2016, 07.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felten, B.; Weber, C.; Raasch, J.: Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps – Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms; Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science (SmartER Europe) 2016, 18.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Marktgebietszuschnitte als Chance / Customizing market areas – Do new designs for market areas solve current problems?; eWorld Kongress “Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement – Flexibilität unter sich ändernden Rahmenbedingungen“, 17.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Wovon hängt der Wert von Speichern im zukünftigen Energiesystem ab? - Diskussion an aktuellen Ergebnissen; "Energy Transition"-Forum - Smart Energy - E-world, 17.02.2016, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Are Fundamentals Enough? Explaining Price Variations in the German Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Market - Invited talk on the issues of intraday market design; Seminar of the Chaire CEEM , 08.12.2015, University Paris Dauphine. Details
- Beran, P.: Der Fukushima-Effekt und der Verfall der Großhandels-Strompreise in Deutschland – Analyse mit Hilfe eines vereinfachten fundamentalen Elektrizitätsmarktmodells; Essener Energiegespräche, 01.12.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Rohstoff Strom – Wertvolle Überschüsse?; UMSICHT, 12.11.2015, Oberhausen. Details
- Weber, C.: (Warum) Funktioniert die Energiewende nicht mit dem Markt?; IER Jubiläum, 09.10.2015, Stuttgart. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 01.10.2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets - Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; 10th sdewes , 29.09.2015, Dubrovnik. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Incentives for self-consumption and future penetration of residential PV battery storage systems: The german case; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Weber, C.; Felten, B.; Raasch, J.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Different Storages and Different Time-Variable Operation Modes of Energy Storages in Future Electricity Markets; 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 22.05.2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical and numerical insights; Enerday 2015 - 10th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets -Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; EnerdayDresden, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Dynamic Probabilistic Reserve Sizing Techniques on Reserve Requirements and System Costs; Enerday 2015, 17.04.2015, Dresden. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_wirtschaftswissenschaften/bwl/ee2/lehrstuhlseiten/ordner_enerday/ordner_pacp/ordner_fpap/presentations%202015/bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende – following a long‐term vision irrespective of costs?; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015. Details
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende - following a long-term vision irrespective of costs; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015, Austin. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; 5th International International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.03.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einführung von Preiszonen in Deutschland – Implikationen für die Integration des europäischen Strommarkts; Symposium Energiehandel 2022, 18.03.2015, Berlin. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen situativer Regelleistungsbemessung auf die Vorhaltekosten; IEWT 2015, 12.02.2015, Wien. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://eeg.tuwien.ac.at/eeg.tuwien.ac.at_pages/events/iewt/iewt2015/uploads/presentation/Pr_249_Bucksteeg_Michael.pdf
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; SmartER Europe / E-World, 12.02.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.: Viertelstundenhandel im deutschen Spotmarkt - Empirische Ergebnisse und Perspektiven; E-World 2015: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement, 11.02.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Intradayhandel – Aktuelle Fragen an der Schnittstelle zwische Theorie und Praxis; EWI/FAZ-Tagung, 18.11.2014, Köln. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical insights; 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, 31.10.2014, Rome, Italy. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Economically optimized operation of heat pumps in a smart grid environment; International Conference on Operations Research 2014, 04.09.2014, Aachen. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Price determinants and their impact on day-ahead and intraday market prices - Explaining the differences; IFORS 2014, 18.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; IFORS 2014 Conference, 15.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York. AbstractDetails
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and storage plants: Efficient capacities in a system view; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York, USA. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Kapazitätsmechanismen in Europa – Quantitative Wirkungsanalyse von nationalen Alleingängen versus koordinierten Mechanismen; 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2014, Graz. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/Files/i4340/eninnov2014/files/pr/PR_Bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: Lessons learnet from the German Renewables Experience; Harvard Electricity Policy Group, 73rd Plenary Session, 13.12.2013, Marana, Arizona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einfluss der erneuerbaren Einspeisung und Lastsituation auf die Net Transfer Capacity; 10. VDI-Fachtagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 14.11.2013, Köln. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Accounting for serial correlation patterns and non-normality of price distribution; international OR (Operations Research) , 04.09.2013, Rotterdam. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Towards An Integrated German Regulating Power Market - Benefits And Challenges; 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, 21.08.2013, Düsseldorf. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Storages in future power systems and their impact on efficient capacities; 13th European IAEE Conference, 19.08.2013, Düsseldorf, Germany. Details
- Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in Transmission Grids - Making use of Spatial Correlation; WIPFOR: 2nd Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting, 06.06.2013, Paris, Frankreich. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Using principal component decomposition and ARMA-GARCH specification; WIPFOR (Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting), 06.06.2013, Paris. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Dynamic Electricity Markets - The Peak-Load Pricing Model as a Control Theoretic Problem; 30.05.2013, Stockholm. Details
- Weber, Steffen: Die Rolle von Speichern im zukünftigen Elektrizitätssystem - eine ökonomische Gleichgewichtsbetrachtung; Fakultätskolloquium TU Dresden, 28.05.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Ausgestaltung von Strommärkten im Hinblick auf ein geeignetes Engpassmanagement; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte 2013, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.; Himmes, P.: Ausgestaltung von Produkten und Handelsplattformen für dezentrale Akteure; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts: „Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte“, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: An integrated approach to model redispatch and assess potential benefits from market splitting in Germany; Enerday, 24.04.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Market Splitting in Deutschland - Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen von fluktuierender Windeinspeisung auf PTDF und ATC - Untersuchung am Beispiel des deutschen Höchstspannungsnetzes mit Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Market Splitting als Option für Deutschland; EWorld 2013, 07.02.2013, Essen. Details
- Zongyu, L.; Van der Sluis, L.; Winter, W.; Paeschke, H.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.; Eickmann, J.; Schroeders, C.; Oldewurtel, F.; Roald, F.; Krause, T.; Rogge, M.; Gilsdorf, P.; Wajant, P.: Challenges, Experiences and Possible Solutions in Transmission System Operation with Large Wind Integration; 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 14.11.2012, Lissabon, Portugal. AbstractDetails
The growing share of electricity generated from intermittent renewable energy sources as well as increasing market-based cross-border flows and related physical flows are leading to rising uncertainties in transmission network operation. This paper presents the current and possible future operational challenges from TSOs’ experiences, and provides a comprehensive overview of expected features that a toolbox
should contain for the stable operation of the transmission network. In addition, it outlines the research vision of the UMBRELLA project, namely better use of renewable energy forecasts, optimization of transmission system operation, and risk-based security assessment, as the possible solution to tackle the aforementioned challenges. In the end, a brief introduction to the UMBRELLA project has been incorporated. - Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Using Time-Adaptive Probalistic Forecasts for Grid Management - Challenges and Opportunities; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Weber, C.: Shale Gas and Photovoltaics – Game Changers at Regional or Global Scale?; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Investment decisions in electricity markets from the perspective of control theory; OR Hannover 2012, 05.09.2012, Hannover. Details
- Weber, C.; Woll, O.; Schober, D.: Renewable support and CO2 abatement in open economies – the role of price discrimination; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. AbstractDetails
A global GHG certificate trading system (or alternatively a Pigou tax) is recognized as the first best instrument for combating Global Warming in textbook economics. Currently such a system is yet not in place and is at best expected for 2020. For various reasons however some countries (notably the EU) are willing to adopt a frontrunner approach. Yet it is questionable whether going for a pure certificate trading system is the best choice under such circumstances. As an alternative, specific support schemes for carbon free technologies like renewables may be envisaged, e. g. feed-in tariffs or renewable quotas ( labeled renewable performance standards in the U.S.). Two potential advantages of such support schemes for renewables shall be investigated in this paper: On the one hand the possibility to use price discrimination between producers to cut down producer rents and on the other hand the possibility to apply price discrimination on the customer side. The latter is typically done for the financing of the support scheme - avoiding carbon leakage by crowding out of energy intensive industry. These potential advantages have to be weighted against the distorting effects of renewable support on carbon prices.
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Perspectives for Battery Storage Systems in the National Australian Electricity Market; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. Details
- Weber, C.: Die Kosten der Energiewende- Milchmädchenrechnungen, Szenariorechnungen und andere Abschätzungen; Atomausstieg jetzt!, 27.04.2012, Ulm. Details
- Fritz, A.: Kointegration bei europäischen Brennstoff- und Stromterminpreisen; E-World energy&water 2012, 09.02.2012, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Towards a sustainable building sector - Path-Dependent Developments in the heating market - Posterpräsentation; Associated Poster bei der Sustainable Consumption International Scientific Conference, 01.11.2011, Hamburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Smart Grids und Anreizregulierung - Aktuelle Herausforderungen; IRIN Abschlusskonferenz, 29.09.2011, Berlin. Details
- Weber, C.: Förderung der Erneuerbaren Energien – Marktintegration, Kosteneffizienz und indirekte Effekte; 4. Eberbacher Klostergespräche zu ökonomischen Grundsatzfragen des Klimawandels, 15.09.2011, Eltville. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Customer driven market potential of heat pumps in private households; European Heat Pump Summit, 01.09.2011, Nürnberg. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; 4th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics, 14.07.2011, Dallas. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Analysis of the Transferability of PJM’s Market Design to the German Electricity Market; IAEE 2011, 21.06.2011, Stockholm. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Reducing Buildings Energy Consumption - Path-Dependent Developments in the Heating Market; 34th IAEE International Conference, 01.06.2011, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; GEE Workshop, 09.05.2011, Essen. Details
- Eickholt, V.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Einsatz der CCS-Technologie in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung aktueller wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 18.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Die Auswirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien auf den europäischen Kraftwerkspark; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 17.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Weber, C.: Wettbewerb und Erneuerbare; IEWT 2011, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Bauermann, K; Weber, C.: Energieverbrauchsreduktion im Gebäudebereich - Pfadabhängige Entwicklungen im Wärmemarkt; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Benatzky, J.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Prognosemodelle für Stromvolatilitäten und Auswirkungen auf die Flexibilitätsbewertung; E-World energy & water 2011, 10.02.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Energienetze der Zukunft; 15. Fachkongress Zukunftsenergien, 08.02.2011, E-World 2011. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Simulation von Strompreisen und Bewertung von Kraftwerksinvestitionen unter Unsicherheit; 1. CER.UDE Workshop, 01.02.2011, Duisburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Bewertung von Investitionsentscheidungen aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht; RWE/enreg.-Symposium , 13.01.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Integration Erneuerbarer Energien in den Elektrizitätsmarkt - Marktentwicklung und Marktdesign; Symposium 20 Jahre IER, 03.12.2010, Stuttgart. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Ermittlung der optimalen Kraftwerksportfolios aus Investorensicht mithilfe der Portfolio-Theorie unter Berücksichtigung der Merit Order; 9. Workshop of Ph. D. student chapter of GEE, 19.11.2010, Berlin. Details
- Bauermann, K.: Die Rolle des Gebäudesektors für den Klimawandel ‐ Schlüsselfaktoren zur Emissionsreduktion; 1st IRUN Symposium on Urban Systems, 04.11.2010, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Is there a Rationale for Government Support to Low Carbon Technologies beyond a General Tax or Cap-and-Trade-Regime?; 29th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, "Energy and the Environment: Conventional and Unconventional Solutions.", 16.10.2010, Calgary, Canada. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Ziegler, D.; Weber, C.: Stationary or Instationary Spreads - Impacts on Optimal Investments in Electricity Generation Portfolios; International Conference Operations Research, 01.09.2010, München. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: European approach to balancing markets – spotlight on Germany; CPI Berlin Workshop, 10.06.2010, Brussels. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Multifaktor-Preismodellen am Beispiel der Ölpreise; E-World energy & water 2010, 11.02.2010, Essen. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Mean Variance Portfolio Theory and Wind Power Risk; 3rd Transatlantic Infraday Conference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling, 13.11.2009, Washington D.C.. Details
- Barth, R.; Apfelbeck, J.; Vogel, P.; Meibom, P.; Weber, C.: Effects of Load-Flow Based Market Coupling on Wind Power Integration in Europe; 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 14.10.2009, Bremen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investitionsplanung von Kuppelkapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung des Ausbaus von Windenergie in Europa; ÖGOR Workshop. Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 24.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Efficiency in the Crude Oil Futures Market - Backtesting Recent Developments with Multifactor Models; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Risk Management in Markets with Limited Liquidity; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Woll, O.: Recombining Scenariotrees for Stochastic Optimization of Decentralized Energy Supply with Wind Energy and storages; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Bastian, F.: Gas Storage Valuation: Comparison of common Valuation Approaches; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Felix, B.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Gas Storage Valuation Under Limited Market Liquidity: An Application in Germany; 13th Annual International Real Options Conference, 19.06.2009, Minho. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investment Planning in a TSO Perspective; Towards an European Electricity Grid, DG-TREN EC Workshop, 02.04.2009, Brüssel. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Konzepte zur Integralen Risikobetrachtung für Energieunternehmen; E-World energy & water 2009, 12.02.2009, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Settlement system based analysis of economic CHP potential in Germany; 3rd International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, 01.12.2008, Nizza, Frankreich. Details
- Vogel, P.: Results of the EWIS Market Modeling; Conference of the European Wind Integration Study (EWIS), 15.10.2008, Fredericia. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Liberalized Natural Gas Markets - A Risk Management Perspective; International Conference Operations Research 2008, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Hedging Strategies Under Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation via Least Squares Monte Carlo Simulation including futures markets; Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Engineering Management Conference, 30.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation: Comparison of recombining trees and Least Squares Monte-Carlo simulation; Engineering Management Conference (IEMC) Europe, 20.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Vogel, P.: Efficient Investment Signals for Distributed Generation; 31st IAEE International Conference, 18.06.2008, Istanbul. Details
- Vogel, P.: Decision Support Tools for Large Scale Integration of Wind; DG-TREN EC Workshop on Grid Related FP6 Research Projects, 05.03.2008, Brüssel. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Bewertung von unterschiedlichen Gasspeicherkonfigurationen mittels Verwendung von rekombinierenden Bäumen; VDI Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 27.11.2007, Leverkusen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Modelling the Impact of Different Permit Allocation Rules on Optimal Power Plant Portfolios; 5th Research Workshop Emissions Trading and Business. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), 07.11.2007, Wittenberg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Natural gas storage valuation: Comparison of Least Square Monte Carlo Simulations with Recombining Trees; , Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Investment in Distributed Generation with CHP in Liberalized Energy Markets; 11th Conference on Stochastic Programming, 31.08.2007, Wien. Details
- Weber, C; Vogel, P.: The Value of Decentralized Energy Supply and Demand Side Management to the Grid; 30th Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, 18.02.2007, Wellington. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Promotion Policies for Renewables and Rent-Seeking of Interest Groups - Posterpräsentation; 5th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (INFRADAY), 07.10.2006, Berlin. Details
- Woll, O.: Parametric Programming in the Electricity Market; International Conference on Operations Research, 07.09.2006, Karlsruhe. Details
- Woll, O.: Valuation of CHP Power Plant Portfolios using Recursive Stochastic Optimisation; 9th International Conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems, 13.06.2006, Stockholm. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Optimal Dimensioning of CHP Power Plants in liberalized energy markets; 29th IAEE International Conference, 10.06.2006, Potsdam. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Decentralized Energy Production and Electricity Market Structures; 4th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, 08.10.2005, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The role of Power-to-Gas in the future energy systems; A case study for Germany and selected neighboring countries; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, , Essen, Germany. Details
- Furtwängler, C: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels - Comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, , Karlsruhe. Details
- Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; Navigating Delegated Acts 27 & 28 of RED II – Impacts on the Hydrogen & eFuels Markets, eFuel Alliance e.V., Webinar, 29.10.2024, digital. PDFRecordingHydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogenDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Umwelt und Energie der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR), 24.10.2024, Hagen. Details
- Hofmann, Arnd; Breder, Marco S.; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Optimization model for simultaneous controlled charging of electric vehicles in distribution grids in rural, suburban and urban areas; 8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 07.10.2024, Helsinki (Finland). PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Brunsch, Daniel; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; SDEWES, 12.09.2024, Rom. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Weber, Christoph: The future spatial distribution of onshore wind energy capacity based on a probabilistic investment calculus; OR, 05.09.2024, München. PDFDetails
- Breder, M. S.: Assessing the role of electricity tariffs for the provision of flexibility by households - A stochastic MCP approach including the system perspective; 13th INREC (2024), 28.08.2024, Essen. PDFDetails
- Fäßer-Stock, Fabian; Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Meurer, Felix; Weber, Christoph: Conceptualizing procurement of frequency stabilization services in energy systems with high shares of renewable energies; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2024, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Spilger, Maike; Böcker, Benjamin; Weber, Christoph: Extending Least-Squares Monte Carlo to a System-Oriented Study on Storage Operation; 13th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Weber, Christoph: Heterogenous investors in energy system models; EURO, 02.07.2024, Kopenhagen. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.: Distortions in energy related decision-making at households – An MCP approach incorporating system perspective; EURO 2024, 01.07.2024, DTU, Denmark. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik: Nutzung von Onshore Wind Marktstammdaten zur Entwicklung regional aufgelöster Einspeise- und Investitionsmodelle; Workshop "20 Jahre AGEE-Stat", 17.06.2024, Dessau-Roßlau. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Preferences for EV charging tariffs: The role of perceived complexity in system-beneficial tariff designs; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilitaet, 13.06.2024, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian: Projektvorstellung MOPPL - Mathematisches Verfahren zur Kopplung von Energiesystem- und Infrastrukturmodellen; TransHyDE Vollversammlung, 29.11.2023, Leipzig. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Räumliche Anreize für Power-to-Hydrogen durch Marktsplitting; Abschlussworkshop MODEZEEN, 28.11.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.: Empowering Generation Adequacy: The Impact of Energy Storages Evaluated with a System wide Least Squares Monte Carlo Approach; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Learnings and Prospects of Stochastic Modeling in Adequacy Assessments … and beyond; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Mikurda, J.: Link between Generation Adequacy and Market Modeling: Unveiling Vulnerabilities of the Energy System; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Böcker, B.: Stochastic Modeling of Energy System Uncertainty; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian: Non-Residential Rooftop PV in Germany - Development and Potential; SDEWES 2023, 25.09.2023, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Weber, Christoph: Accounting for seasonal storage dispatch in expansion planning of integrated power and gas systems via Benders Decomposition; OR 2023, 31.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: OR models for the energy transition coping with uncertainty and heterogeneity; OR 2023, 30.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Spatial Incentives for Power to hydrogen through Market Splitting; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFSpatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market SplittingDetails
- Radek, Julian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Decision on electric vehicle charging tariffs: Investigating the trade off between system friendliness and convenience; 8th Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment, 12.07.2023, Bochum. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Market diffusion and regional distribution of electric vehicles - a combined modelling approach; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, 11.05.2023, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Ostmeier, Lars; Weber, Christoph: Reviewing energy transition studies in the light of the recent European gas market developments; Enerday 2023 - 17th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 05.05.2023, TU Dresden. Midterm perspectives on natural gas after the European gas crisis: Reviewing German energy transition studiesDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: On assessing the value of decentral flexibility given different flexibility deployment and TSO-DSO coordination; Enerday 2023, 05.05.2023, Dresden. Details
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data; Enerday, 05.05.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, Lisa: Uncovering Inefficiencies in the Market for Energy Efficiency: The Role of Heating Costs Disclosure; 9|KSWD, 27.03.2023, Berlin. Investigating inefficiencies in the German rental housing market: The impact of disclosing total costs on energy efficiency appreciationDetails
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Ergebnisvorstellung BMWK-Forschungsprojekt „ZellNetz 2050“; VDE ETG Sitzung, 16.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Zellulare Energiesysteme: Herausforderungen der Modellierung dezentral organisierter Märkte; IEWT 2023, 17.02.2023, TU Wien. Details
- Spilger, M.; Schneider, D.; Weber, C.: Assessment of generation adequacy taking into account the dependence of the European power system on natural gas; 13. International Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 15.02.2023, Wien. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Radek, J.; Weber, C.: Decarbonizing the German power sector – A case study on the integration of power-to-hydrogen and H2-imports; 44th IAEE International Conference, 06.02.2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Details
- Ostmeier, L.: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Betrachtung ; Zwischenergebnisse des Projekts iFlex KWK 4.0, 30.09.2022, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V. (GWI) Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets –a mixed complementarity approach; 11th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2022 (INREC), 27.09.2022, Essen. PDFDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the value of distributed demand side management technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing regional differences in view of locational pricing mechanisms; 17th IAEE Europen Energy Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens. Details
- Voswinkel, Simon: Using the Shapley value to share costs of congestion management in a realistic power grid model; 17th IAEE European Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens, Greece. Details
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik 2022, 12.09.2022, Basel. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Furtwängler, C.: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels – a comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.; Weber, C.: Using Open Access Power Plant Data for Stochastic Availability Modelling; International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2022), 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV-Battery Systems in the Electricity Markets–A Mixed Complementarity Approach; Mapping the Energy Future - Voyage in Uncharted Territory, 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokio. Details
- Bucksteeg, Michael; Voswinkel, Simon; Blumberg, Gerald: Zonal Market Coupling in Europe – Flow-Based Capacity Allocation with Integrated Redispatch; 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokyo. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; EURO 2022, 03.07.2022, Espoo, Finnland. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Incentivizing Flexible Operation of Bioenergy Power Plants – subsidies, markets, or both?; GEE Student Chapter 2022 , 24.06.2022, Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; GOR Workshop: Workshop of the working group OR for Environmental Protection, 22.06.2022, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20.06.2022, Manchester, UK. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the Value of Distributed Demand Side Management Technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing Regional Differences in View of Locational Pricing Mechanisms; SDEWES SEE 2022, 23.05.2022, Vlore, Albanien. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Entwicklung der Energiemärkte; 19. Duisburger KWK-Symposium, 20.05.2022, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Kolkmann, S.: OSMOSE Final webinar series WP2: Market design modeling and analysis for flexibility; Final Webinar Series, 04.05.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
Weitere Information finden Sie hier.
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Focusing on the impact of market splitting on power to hydrogen; MODEZEEN Hydrogen Workshop, 07.04.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; 10th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2021 (INREC), 16.09.2021, Essen/online. Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?Details
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets – a mixed complementarity approach; International Conference on Operations Research, 01.09.2021, Online / Bern. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt - Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), 26.08.2021, Online/Seoul. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does Regional Disparity Matter; 9th Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment, 20.05.2021, Mannheim / online. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Regulatory and Policy Aspects for a Cellular Design of Electricity Markets; 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, 19.05.2021, Virtual. Details
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Effekte flexibler Stromproduktion durch Bioenergieanlagen auf das deutsche Strom- und Wärmesystem; Workshop: Flexible Bioenergie – Markt der Möglichkeiten, 02.12.2020, Online / Leipzig. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.; Schinke-Nendza, A.: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach; IAEE Podcast, 09.10.2020, https://www.iaee.org/en/podcasts/podcasts.aspx. AbstractDetails
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt – Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; GOR Online-Workshop der AGs Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis, OR im Umweltschutz, Projektmanagement und Scheduling, 08.10.2020, Bochum. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; VfS Jahrestagung 2020, 28.09.2020, Köln / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: A Novel Design for Electricity Markets based on the Cellular Approach; 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 17.09.2020, Stockholm. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: The Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing and Rental Prices - Evidence from North Rhine-Westphalia; REAL CORP 2020 - 25th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, 17.09.2020, Aachen / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian: Zwischenergebnisse des Beschaffungskonzepts zur Spannungsregelung (Projekt SDL-Zukunft); BMWi Workshop zum Beschaffungskonzept Spannungsregelung 1m 14.05.2020, 14.05.2020, digital / Berlin. Details
- Schinke, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen; 7. Arbeitstreffen der User Group "Strategisches Asset Management in der Energiewirtschaft", 12.12.2019, Leipzig. Details
- Felling, T.: Solving the Bi-level Problem of a Closed Optimization of Price Zone Configurations in Europe Using a Genetic Algorithm; Informs Annual Meeting, 07.11.2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Quantifying the worst case impact of strategic bidding on a redispatch market; 16th IAEE European Conference, 28.08.2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models - An iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack; 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 24.06.2019, Dublin, Ireland. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic optimization under price uncertainty in auction-based electricity markets – A Case study; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montreal. Details
- Beran, P.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Spot market price effects of reserve provision – analyses based on a parsimonious fundamental model; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montréal. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Modelling Flexible Market Participants in Distribution Grids by Coupling an Agent Based Simulation with a Fundamental Model; IAEE 2019, 30.05.2019, Montreal . AbstractDetails
- Schinke, Aiko; Osinski, Paul; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen - Ein probabilistischer Ansatz für Netze mit hohen Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe „OR im Umweltschutz“ der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR) , 17.05.2019, Karlsruhe. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Preventing gaming on a local flexibility market; Strommarkttreffen Engpassmanagement, 15.03.2019, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Power-to-gas im zukünftigen Energiesystem bei unterschiedlichen Technologie- und Politikszenarien; Abschlussworkshop des BMWi-Projektes „LKD-EU“ , 27.02.2019, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 13.02.2019, Wien, Östereich. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – What influences welfare? - Energy Market Developments and Implications for Portfolio Management; E-world energy & water, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Coal Exit -Ecologically and Economically Efficient?; E-world, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Osinski, P.; Baginski, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Midterm Forecast of German RES Generation and corresponding Support Payments; E-world energy and water Kongress, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: KoNeMaSim - Kopplung von Netz- und Marktsimulation für die Netzplanung; 2. Statusseminar „Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze”, 21.11.2018. Details
- Baginski, P.: Spatio-temporal diffusion of residential solar thermal systems in Germany: A spatial panel data analysis; YEEES (Young Energy Economists & Engineers Seminar), 08.11.2018, Florenz, Italien. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Reserve Provision by CHP Units and its Impact on Equilibria in Spot and Reserve Markets ; 13th SDEWES Conference, 03.10.2018, Palermo. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: On the Evaluation of Multivariate Event Probability Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting; 2018 International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – The Effects of Using Heuristics, Lack of Cooperation and Process-Induced Uncertainties; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber: The impact of sector coupling technologies on the future European electricity system - A scenario analysis; Operations Research 2018, 12.09.2018, Brüssel. AbstractDetails
Program and abstract could be found here
- Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation on Power System Dynamics - Panel Session: PV in Grid Friendly Services; IEEE PESGM, 08.08.2018, Portland, OR, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Doorman, G.; Weber, C.; Farahmand, H.: Balancing market integration - Model-based analysis of potential cross-border reserve exchange between Norway and Germany; European Energie Markets (EEM), 29.06.2018, Lodz, Polen. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: How price zone configurations impact system costs in the European power system; 41st IAEE International Conference, 11.06.2018, Groningen. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Marktorientierter Betrieb von Wärmepumpen: Fallstudienbasierte Evaluierung von Flexibilitäts- und Kosteneinsparpotenzialen aus dem Projekt „Die Stadt als Speicher“ ; 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2018, Graz/Austria. Details
- Heidari, M. Sc. Sina: Global Gas Investments and the Impcat on European Gas Markets; E-world, 07.02.2018, Essen, Germany. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current Developments in Portfolio and Risk Management “Optimal Power Price Forecasting accounting for Forecasting Horizon” ; E-World Kongress, 07.02.2018, Essen. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; AIEE Energy Symposium , 30.11.2017, Rome. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Preisgleichgewichte zwischen Regelleistungs- und Spotmärkten und der Einfluss neuer Regelleistungsmarktteilnehmer; VDI-Tagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft 2017“, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Beran, P.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Kurz- und mittelfristige Preisprognosen: Auswahl optimaler Modellierungsansätze unter Berücksichtigung des Prognosehorizonts; 12. VDI-Fachtagung – Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices”; Second AIEE Energy Symposium, 04.11.2017, Rom. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 23.10.2017, Houston, Texas, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.: Simplified Battery Aging Model – Implications for Storage Valuation; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 07.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: New Business Models and Regulatory Risk in the Energy Sector; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 06.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.; Weber, C.: A consumer decision-making process? Unfolding energy efficiency decisions of German owner-occupiers; 12th sdewes Conference, 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Böcker, B.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C.: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2017, 13.09.2017, Essen, Deutschland. Details
- Beran, P.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious model for the complex German electricity system – what lessons to be learnt; SET-Nav Modelling Workshop, 07.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; 15th IAEE Eruopean Conference 2017, 06.09.2017, Wien, Österreich. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: Modelling German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices with a Parsimonious Fundamental Model – Validation & Application; 15th IAEE European Conference, 06.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference on Operations Research – Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society, 06.09.2017, Berlin. Details
- Böcker, B.: Battery aging and their implications for efficient operation and valuation; Strommarkttreffen - Flexibilität, 25.08.2017, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: A robust approach to transmission constraints in zonal electricity markets; IFORS Conference, 18.07.2017, Quebec. Details
- Böcker, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 17.07.2017, Quebec, Canada. Details
- Baginski, P.; Weber, C.; Kuske, K.: Regional distribution of small scale photovoltaic installations in Germany and its drivers: A spatial econometric approach; 40th IAEE International Conference, 21.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, W.: Inefficiencies in Zonal Market Coupling due to Uncertainties in Generation Shift Keys; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.: Impact of Geographical Diversification of Wind Plants on Generation Adequacy – A German Case Study; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapur. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference WindFarms 2017, 01.06.2017, Madrid. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Price equilibria in spot and reserve markets and the role of new player like CHP; ÖGOR – IHS Workshop 2017: Arbeitskreis „Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“ 2017, 27.04.2017, Wien. Details
- Felten, B.: Modellierung neuer Marktgebietszuschnitte in Deutschland und Europa; 15. Treffen der Expertengruppe H2-System des Netzwerks Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff NRW, 20.03.2017, Düsseldorf. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: The Fukushima-Effect and Plunge in German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices – Analysis with a Parsimonious Fundamental Electricity Market Model; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Strompreismodellierung “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Valorization of aggregated decentral flexibilities - Opportunities and challenges under the current German regulatory framework and market conditions; smarter europe conference, 09.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Furtwängler, C.: Marketing Flexibilities of a Simplified CHP Portfolio; E-World 2017, „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portofolio- und Risikomanagement“, 08.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Frensemeier, E.; Hemkendreis, C.; Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.: Herausforderungen der Energiewende im Quartier; Forschungskolloquium, 31.01.2017, Dortmund. Details
- Osinski, P.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Regional modelling of electric load and renewable infeed time series in Europe; 11th SDEWES Conference, 08.09.2016, Lissabon. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Valuation of Battery Storage Systems in Second Life Applications; International Conference on Operations Research, 31.08.2016, Hamburg. Details
- Baginski, P.: Energy Efficiency in Districts – Non-technical Drivers; IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2016, 19.07.2016, Boston, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Storage Valuation Consicering Aging Processes (Lithium-Ion); 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 04.07.2016, Poznan, Polan. Details
- Pape, C.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Estimating the value of flexibility from real options - on the adequate specification of hybrid electricity price models; 39th IAEE conference, 20.06.2016, Norwegian school of economics (NHH), Bergen. Details
- Felten, B.: CHP Plant Operation and Electricity Prices - Analytical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 39th IAEE International Conference, 20.06.2016, Bergen. Details
- Dietrich, A.: Erlöspotenziale für Flexibilitäten im Stromsystem; 8. Branchentag Windenergie, 14.06.2016, Düsseldorf. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Niesen, L; Osinski, Paul; Weber, C.: Modeling Flow-Based Market Coupling – Theoretical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 11. ÖGOR-IHS Workshop & ÖGOR Arbeitskreis 2016 "Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 28.04.2016, Wien. Details
- Baldursson, Fridrik M.; Bellenbaum, Julia; Lazarczyk, Ewa; Niesen, Lenja; Weber, Christoph: Optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources – analytical insights; IEEE Energycon 2016, 08.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Identifying price zones using nodal prices and supply & demand weighted nodes; IEEE Energycon2016, 07.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felten, B.; Weber, C.; Raasch, J.: Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps – Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms; Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science (SmartER Europe) 2016, 18.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Marktgebietszuschnitte als Chance / Customizing market areas – Do new designs for market areas solve current problems?; eWorld Kongress “Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement – Flexibilität unter sich ändernden Rahmenbedingungen“, 17.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Wovon hängt der Wert von Speichern im zukünftigen Energiesystem ab? - Diskussion an aktuellen Ergebnissen; "Energy Transition"-Forum - Smart Energy - E-world, 17.02.2016, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Are Fundamentals Enough? Explaining Price Variations in the German Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Market - Invited talk on the issues of intraday market design; Seminar of the Chaire CEEM , 08.12.2015, University Paris Dauphine. Details
- Beran, P.: Der Fukushima-Effekt und der Verfall der Großhandels-Strompreise in Deutschland – Analyse mit Hilfe eines vereinfachten fundamentalen Elektrizitätsmarktmodells; Essener Energiegespräche, 01.12.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Rohstoff Strom – Wertvolle Überschüsse?; UMSICHT, 12.11.2015, Oberhausen. Details
- Weber, C.: (Warum) Funktioniert die Energiewende nicht mit dem Markt?; IER Jubiläum, 09.10.2015, Stuttgart. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 01.10.2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets - Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; 10th sdewes , 29.09.2015, Dubrovnik. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Incentives for self-consumption and future penetration of residential PV battery storage systems: The german case; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Weber, C.; Felten, B.; Raasch, J.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Different Storages and Different Time-Variable Operation Modes of Energy Storages in Future Electricity Markets; 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 22.05.2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical and numerical insights; Enerday 2015 - 10th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets -Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; EnerdayDresden, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Dynamic Probabilistic Reserve Sizing Techniques on Reserve Requirements and System Costs; Enerday 2015, 17.04.2015, Dresden. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_wirtschaftswissenschaften/bwl/ee2/lehrstuhlseiten/ordner_enerday/ordner_pacp/ordner_fpap/presentations%202015/bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende – following a long‐term vision irrespective of costs?; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015. Details
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende - following a long-term vision irrespective of costs; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015, Austin. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; 5th International International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.03.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einführung von Preiszonen in Deutschland – Implikationen für die Integration des europäischen Strommarkts; Symposium Energiehandel 2022, 18.03.2015, Berlin. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen situativer Regelleistungsbemessung auf die Vorhaltekosten; IEWT 2015, 12.02.2015, Wien. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://eeg.tuwien.ac.at/eeg.tuwien.ac.at_pages/events/iewt/iewt2015/uploads/presentation/Pr_249_Bucksteeg_Michael.pdf
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; SmartER Europe / E-World, 12.02.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.: Viertelstundenhandel im deutschen Spotmarkt - Empirische Ergebnisse und Perspektiven; E-World 2015: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement, 11.02.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Intradayhandel – Aktuelle Fragen an der Schnittstelle zwische Theorie und Praxis; EWI/FAZ-Tagung, 18.11.2014, Köln. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical insights; 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, 31.10.2014, Rome, Italy. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Economically optimized operation of heat pumps in a smart grid environment; International Conference on Operations Research 2014, 04.09.2014, Aachen. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Price determinants and their impact on day-ahead and intraday market prices - Explaining the differences; IFORS 2014, 18.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; IFORS 2014 Conference, 15.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York. AbstractDetails
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and storage plants: Efficient capacities in a system view; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York, USA. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Kapazitätsmechanismen in Europa – Quantitative Wirkungsanalyse von nationalen Alleingängen versus koordinierten Mechanismen; 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2014, Graz. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/Files/i4340/eninnov2014/files/pr/PR_Bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: Lessons learnet from the German Renewables Experience; Harvard Electricity Policy Group, 73rd Plenary Session, 13.12.2013, Marana, Arizona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einfluss der erneuerbaren Einspeisung und Lastsituation auf die Net Transfer Capacity; 10. VDI-Fachtagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 14.11.2013, Köln. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Accounting for serial correlation patterns and non-normality of price distribution; international OR (Operations Research) , 04.09.2013, Rotterdam. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Towards An Integrated German Regulating Power Market - Benefits And Challenges; 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, 21.08.2013, Düsseldorf. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Storages in future power systems and their impact on efficient capacities; 13th European IAEE Conference, 19.08.2013, Düsseldorf, Germany. Details
- Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in Transmission Grids - Making use of Spatial Correlation; WIPFOR: 2nd Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting, 06.06.2013, Paris, Frankreich. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Using principal component decomposition and ARMA-GARCH specification; WIPFOR (Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting), 06.06.2013, Paris. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Dynamic Electricity Markets - The Peak-Load Pricing Model as a Control Theoretic Problem; 30.05.2013, Stockholm. Details
- Weber, Steffen: Die Rolle von Speichern im zukünftigen Elektrizitätssystem - eine ökonomische Gleichgewichtsbetrachtung; Fakultätskolloquium TU Dresden, 28.05.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Ausgestaltung von Strommärkten im Hinblick auf ein geeignetes Engpassmanagement; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte 2013, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.; Himmes, P.: Ausgestaltung von Produkten und Handelsplattformen für dezentrale Akteure; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts: „Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte“, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: An integrated approach to model redispatch and assess potential benefits from market splitting in Germany; Enerday, 24.04.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Market Splitting in Deutschland - Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen von fluktuierender Windeinspeisung auf PTDF und ATC - Untersuchung am Beispiel des deutschen Höchstspannungsnetzes mit Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Market Splitting als Option für Deutschland; EWorld 2013, 07.02.2013, Essen. Details
- Zongyu, L.; Van der Sluis, L.; Winter, W.; Paeschke, H.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.; Eickmann, J.; Schroeders, C.; Oldewurtel, F.; Roald, F.; Krause, T.; Rogge, M.; Gilsdorf, P.; Wajant, P.: Challenges, Experiences and Possible Solutions in Transmission System Operation with Large Wind Integration; 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 14.11.2012, Lissabon, Portugal. AbstractDetails
The growing share of electricity generated from intermittent renewable energy sources as well as increasing market-based cross-border flows and related physical flows are leading to rising uncertainties in transmission network operation. This paper presents the current and possible future operational challenges from TSOs’ experiences, and provides a comprehensive overview of expected features that a toolbox
should contain for the stable operation of the transmission network. In addition, it outlines the research vision of the UMBRELLA project, namely better use of renewable energy forecasts, optimization of transmission system operation, and risk-based security assessment, as the possible solution to tackle the aforementioned challenges. In the end, a brief introduction to the UMBRELLA project has been incorporated. - Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Using Time-Adaptive Probalistic Forecasts for Grid Management - Challenges and Opportunities; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Weber, C.: Shale Gas and Photovoltaics – Game Changers at Regional or Global Scale?; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Investment decisions in electricity markets from the perspective of control theory; OR Hannover 2012, 05.09.2012, Hannover. Details
- Weber, C.; Woll, O.; Schober, D.: Renewable support and CO2 abatement in open economies – the role of price discrimination; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. AbstractDetails
A global GHG certificate trading system (or alternatively a Pigou tax) is recognized as the first best instrument for combating Global Warming in textbook economics. Currently such a system is yet not in place and is at best expected for 2020. For various reasons however some countries (notably the EU) are willing to adopt a frontrunner approach. Yet it is questionable whether going for a pure certificate trading system is the best choice under such circumstances. As an alternative, specific support schemes for carbon free technologies like renewables may be envisaged, e. g. feed-in tariffs or renewable quotas ( labeled renewable performance standards in the U.S.). Two potential advantages of such support schemes for renewables shall be investigated in this paper: On the one hand the possibility to use price discrimination between producers to cut down producer rents and on the other hand the possibility to apply price discrimination on the customer side. The latter is typically done for the financing of the support scheme - avoiding carbon leakage by crowding out of energy intensive industry. These potential advantages have to be weighted against the distorting effects of renewable support on carbon prices.
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Perspectives for Battery Storage Systems in the National Australian Electricity Market; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. Details
- Weber, C.: Die Kosten der Energiewende- Milchmädchenrechnungen, Szenariorechnungen und andere Abschätzungen; Atomausstieg jetzt!, 27.04.2012, Ulm. Details
- Fritz, A.: Kointegration bei europäischen Brennstoff- und Stromterminpreisen; E-World energy&water 2012, 09.02.2012, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Towards a sustainable building sector - Path-Dependent Developments in the heating market - Posterpräsentation; Associated Poster bei der Sustainable Consumption International Scientific Conference, 01.11.2011, Hamburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Smart Grids und Anreizregulierung - Aktuelle Herausforderungen; IRIN Abschlusskonferenz, 29.09.2011, Berlin. Details
- Weber, C.: Förderung der Erneuerbaren Energien – Marktintegration, Kosteneffizienz und indirekte Effekte; 4. Eberbacher Klostergespräche zu ökonomischen Grundsatzfragen des Klimawandels, 15.09.2011, Eltville. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Customer driven market potential of heat pumps in private households; European Heat Pump Summit, 01.09.2011, Nürnberg. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; 4th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics, 14.07.2011, Dallas. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Analysis of the Transferability of PJM’s Market Design to the German Electricity Market; IAEE 2011, 21.06.2011, Stockholm. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Reducing Buildings Energy Consumption - Path-Dependent Developments in the Heating Market; 34th IAEE International Conference, 01.06.2011, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; GEE Workshop, 09.05.2011, Essen. Details
- Eickholt, V.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Einsatz der CCS-Technologie in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung aktueller wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 18.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Die Auswirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien auf den europäischen Kraftwerkspark; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 17.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Weber, C.: Wettbewerb und Erneuerbare; IEWT 2011, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Bauermann, K; Weber, C.: Energieverbrauchsreduktion im Gebäudebereich - Pfadabhängige Entwicklungen im Wärmemarkt; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Benatzky, J.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Prognosemodelle für Stromvolatilitäten und Auswirkungen auf die Flexibilitätsbewertung; E-World energy & water 2011, 10.02.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Energienetze der Zukunft; 15. Fachkongress Zukunftsenergien, 08.02.2011, E-World 2011. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Simulation von Strompreisen und Bewertung von Kraftwerksinvestitionen unter Unsicherheit; 1. CER.UDE Workshop, 01.02.2011, Duisburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Bewertung von Investitionsentscheidungen aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht; RWE/enreg.-Symposium , 13.01.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Integration Erneuerbarer Energien in den Elektrizitätsmarkt - Marktentwicklung und Marktdesign; Symposium 20 Jahre IER, 03.12.2010, Stuttgart. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Ermittlung der optimalen Kraftwerksportfolios aus Investorensicht mithilfe der Portfolio-Theorie unter Berücksichtigung der Merit Order; 9. Workshop of Ph. D. student chapter of GEE, 19.11.2010, Berlin. Details
- Bauermann, K.: Die Rolle des Gebäudesektors für den Klimawandel ‐ Schlüsselfaktoren zur Emissionsreduktion; 1st IRUN Symposium on Urban Systems, 04.11.2010, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Is there a Rationale for Government Support to Low Carbon Technologies beyond a General Tax or Cap-and-Trade-Regime?; 29th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, "Energy and the Environment: Conventional and Unconventional Solutions.", 16.10.2010, Calgary, Canada. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Ziegler, D.; Weber, C.: Stationary or Instationary Spreads - Impacts on Optimal Investments in Electricity Generation Portfolios; International Conference Operations Research, 01.09.2010, München. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: European approach to balancing markets – spotlight on Germany; CPI Berlin Workshop, 10.06.2010, Brussels. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Multifaktor-Preismodellen am Beispiel der Ölpreise; E-World energy & water 2010, 11.02.2010, Essen. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Mean Variance Portfolio Theory and Wind Power Risk; 3rd Transatlantic Infraday Conference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling, 13.11.2009, Washington D.C.. Details
- Barth, R.; Apfelbeck, J.; Vogel, P.; Meibom, P.; Weber, C.: Effects of Load-Flow Based Market Coupling on Wind Power Integration in Europe; 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 14.10.2009, Bremen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investitionsplanung von Kuppelkapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung des Ausbaus von Windenergie in Europa; ÖGOR Workshop. Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 24.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Efficiency in the Crude Oil Futures Market - Backtesting Recent Developments with Multifactor Models; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Risk Management in Markets with Limited Liquidity; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Woll, O.: Recombining Scenariotrees for Stochastic Optimization of Decentralized Energy Supply with Wind Energy and storages; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Bastian, F.: Gas Storage Valuation: Comparison of common Valuation Approaches; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Felix, B.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Gas Storage Valuation Under Limited Market Liquidity: An Application in Germany; 13th Annual International Real Options Conference, 19.06.2009, Minho. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investment Planning in a TSO Perspective; Towards an European Electricity Grid, DG-TREN EC Workshop, 02.04.2009, Brüssel. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Konzepte zur Integralen Risikobetrachtung für Energieunternehmen; E-World energy & water 2009, 12.02.2009, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Settlement system based analysis of economic CHP potential in Germany; 3rd International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, 01.12.2008, Nizza, Frankreich. Details
- Vogel, P.: Results of the EWIS Market Modeling; Conference of the European Wind Integration Study (EWIS), 15.10.2008, Fredericia. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Liberalized Natural Gas Markets - A Risk Management Perspective; International Conference Operations Research 2008, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Hedging Strategies Under Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation via Least Squares Monte Carlo Simulation including futures markets; Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Engineering Management Conference, 30.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation: Comparison of recombining trees and Least Squares Monte-Carlo simulation; Engineering Management Conference (IEMC) Europe, 20.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Vogel, P.: Efficient Investment Signals for Distributed Generation; 31st IAEE International Conference, 18.06.2008, Istanbul. Details
- Vogel, P.: Decision Support Tools for Large Scale Integration of Wind; DG-TREN EC Workshop on Grid Related FP6 Research Projects, 05.03.2008, Brüssel. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Bewertung von unterschiedlichen Gasspeicherkonfigurationen mittels Verwendung von rekombinierenden Bäumen; VDI Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 27.11.2007, Leverkusen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Modelling the Impact of Different Permit Allocation Rules on Optimal Power Plant Portfolios; 5th Research Workshop Emissions Trading and Business. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), 07.11.2007, Wittenberg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Natural gas storage valuation: Comparison of Least Square Monte Carlo Simulations with Recombining Trees; , Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Investment in Distributed Generation with CHP in Liberalized Energy Markets; 11th Conference on Stochastic Programming, 31.08.2007, Wien. Details
- Weber, C; Vogel, P.: The Value of Decentralized Energy Supply and Demand Side Management to the Grid; 30th Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, 18.02.2007, Wellington. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Promotion Policies for Renewables and Rent-Seeking of Interest Groups - Posterpräsentation; 5th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (INFRADAY), 07.10.2006, Berlin. Details
- Woll, O.: Parametric Programming in the Electricity Market; International Conference on Operations Research, 07.09.2006, Karlsruhe. Details
- Woll, O.: Valuation of CHP Power Plant Portfolios using Recursive Stochastic Optimisation; 9th International Conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems, 13.06.2006, Stockholm. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Optimal Dimensioning of CHP Power Plants in liberalized energy markets; 29th IAEE International Conference, 10.06.2006, Potsdam. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Decentralized Energy Production and Electricity Market Structures; 4th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, 08.10.2005, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The role of Power-to-Gas in the future energy systems; A case study for Germany and selected neighboring countries; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, , Essen, Germany. Details
- Furtwängler, C: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels - Comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, , Karlsruhe. Details
- Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; Navigating Delegated Acts 27 & 28 of RED II – Impacts on the Hydrogen & eFuels Markets, eFuel Alliance e.V., Webinar, 29.10.2024, digital. PDFRecordingHydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogenDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe Umwelt und Energie der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR), 24.10.2024, Hagen. Details
- Hofmann, Arnd; Breder, Marco S.; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Optimization model for simultaneous controlled charging of electric vehicles in distribution grids in rural, suburban and urban areas; 8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 07.10.2024, Helsinki (Finland). PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Brunsch, Daniel; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Coupling an investment model with two sequential infrastructure models using Benders decomposition; SDEWES, 12.09.2024, Rom. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Weber, Christoph: The future spatial distribution of onshore wind energy capacity based on a probabilistic investment calculus; OR, 05.09.2024, München. PDFDetails
- Breder, M. S.: Assessing the role of electricity tariffs for the provision of flexibility by households - A stochastic MCP approach including the system perspective; 13th INREC (2024), 28.08.2024, Essen. PDFDetails
- Fäßer-Stock, Fabian; Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Meurer, Felix; Weber, Christoph: Conceptualizing procurement of frequency stabilization services in energy systems with high shares of renewable energies; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2024, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Spilger, Maike; Böcker, Benjamin; Weber, Christoph: Extending Least-Squares Monte Carlo to a System-Oriented Study on Storage Operation; 13th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 28.08.2024, Essen. Details
- Weber, Christoph: Heterogenous investors in energy system models; EURO, 02.07.2024, Kopenhagen. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.: Distortions in energy related decision-making at households – An MCP approach incorporating system perspective; EURO 2024, 01.07.2024, DTU, Denmark. PDFDetails
- Pflugfelder, Yannik: Nutzung von Onshore Wind Marktstammdaten zur Entwicklung regional aufgelöster Einspeise- und Investitionsmodelle; Workshop "20 Jahre AGEE-Stat", 17.06.2024, Dessau-Roßlau. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Preferences for EV charging tariffs: The role of perceived complexity in system-beneficial tariff designs; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilitaet, 13.06.2024, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian: Projektvorstellung MOPPL - Mathematisches Verfahren zur Kopplung von Energiesystem- und Infrastrukturmodellen; TransHyDE Vollversammlung, 29.11.2023, Leipzig. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Räumliche Anreize für Power-to-Hydrogen durch Marktsplitting; Abschlussworkshop MODEZEEN, 28.11.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.: Empowering Generation Adequacy: The Impact of Energy Storages Evaluated with a System wide Least Squares Monte Carlo Approach; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Learnings and Prospects of Stochastic Modeling in Adequacy Assessments … and beyond; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Mikurda, J.: Link between Generation Adequacy and Market Modeling: Unveiling Vulnerabilities of the Energy System; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Böcker, B.: Stochastic Modeling of Energy System Uncertainty; Project Workshop VeSiMa, 26.10.2023, Essen. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian: Non-Residential Rooftop PV in Germany - Development and Potential; SDEWES 2023, 25.09.2023, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. PDFDetails
- Radek, Julian; Weber, Christoph: Accounting for seasonal storage dispatch in expansion planning of integrated power and gas systems via Benders Decomposition; OR 2023, 31.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: OR models for the energy transition coping with uncertainty and heterogeneity; OR 2023, 30.08.2023, Hamburg. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Spatial Incentives for Power to hydrogen through Market Splitting; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFSpatial Incentives for Power-to-hydrogen through Market SplittingDetails
- Radek, Julian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Hydrogen in the European power sector – A case study on the impacts of regulatory frameworks for green hydrogen; 18th IAEE European Conference, 25.07.2023, Bocconi University, Milan. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Boehnke, F.; Weber, C.: Decision on electric vehicle charging tariffs: Investigating the trade off between system friendliness and convenience; 8th Workshop on Experimental Economics for the Environment, 12.07.2023, Bochum. PDFDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Breder, Marco; Weber, Christoph: Market diffusion and regional distribution of electric vehicles - a combined modelling approach; Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, 11.05.2023, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Brunsch, Daniel; Radek, Julian; Ostmeier, Lars; Weber, Christoph: Reviewing energy transition studies in the light of the recent European gas market developments; Enerday 2023 - 17th International Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 05.05.2023, TU Dresden. Midterm perspectives on natural gas after the European gas crisis: Reviewing German energy transition studiesDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: On assessing the value of decentral flexibility given different flexibility deployment and TSO-DSO coordination; Enerday 2023, 05.05.2023, Dresden. Details
- Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data; Enerday, 05.05.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, Lisa: Uncovering Inefficiencies in the Market for Energy Efficiency: The Role of Heating Costs Disclosure; 9|KSWD, 27.03.2023, Berlin. Investigating inefficiencies in the German rental housing market: The impact of disclosing total costs on energy efficiency appreciationDetails
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Ergebnisvorstellung BMWK-Forschungsprojekt „ZellNetz 2050“; VDE ETG Sitzung, 16.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Zellulare Energiesysteme: Herausforderungen der Modellierung dezentral organisierter Märkte; IEWT 2023, 17.02.2023, TU Wien. Details
- Spilger, M.; Schneider, D.; Weber, C.: Assessment of generation adequacy taking into account the dependence of the European power system on natural gas; 13. International Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 15.02.2023, Wien. PDFDetails
- Breder, M.; Radek, J.; Weber, C.: Decarbonizing the German power sector – A case study on the integration of power-to-hydrogen and H2-imports; 44th IAEE International Conference, 06.02.2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Details
- Ostmeier, L.: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Betrachtung ; Zwischenergebnisse des Projekts iFlex KWK 4.0, 30.09.2022, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V. (GWI) Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets –a mixed complementarity approach; 11th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2022 (INREC), 27.09.2022, Essen. PDFDetails
- Kramer, Hendrik; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the value of distributed demand side management technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing regional differences in view of locational pricing mechanisms; 17th IAEE Europen Energy Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens. Details
- Voswinkel, Simon: Using the Shapley value to share costs of congestion management in a realistic power grid model; 17th IAEE European Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens, Greece. Details
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik 2022, 12.09.2022, Basel. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Furtwängler, C.: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels – a comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Spilger, M.; Weber, C.: Using Open Access Power Plant Data for Stochastic Availability Modelling; International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2022), 07.09.2022, Karlsruhe. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV-Battery Systems in the Electricity Markets–A Mixed Complementarity Approach; Mapping the Energy Future - Voyage in Uncharted Territory, 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokio. Details
- Bucksteeg, Michael; Voswinkel, Simon; Blumberg, Gerald: Zonal Market Coupling in Europe – Flow-Based Capacity Allocation with Integrated Redispatch; 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokyo. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; EURO 2022, 03.07.2022, Espoo, Finnland. PDFDetails
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Incentivizing Flexible Operation of Bioenergy Power Plants – subsidies, markets, or both?; GEE Student Chapter 2022 , 24.06.2022, Essen. Details
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets a mixed complementarity approach; GOR Workshop: Workshop of the working group OR for Environmental Protection, 22.06.2022, Dresden. PDFDetails
- Sieger, L.; Weber, C.: Inefficient Markets for Energy Efficiency - Empirical Evidence from the German Rental Housing Market; 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, 20.06.2022, Manchester, UK. Inefficient markets for energy efficiency - Empirical evidence from the German rental housing marketDetails
- Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the Value of Distributed Demand Side Management Technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing Regional Differences in View of Locational Pricing Mechanisms; SDEWES SEE 2022, 23.05.2022, Vlore, Albanien. PDFDetails
- Weber, C.: Entwicklung der Energiemärkte; 19. Duisburger KWK-Symposium, 20.05.2022, Duisburg. PDFDetails
- Kolkmann, S.: OSMOSE Final webinar series WP2: Market design modeling and analysis for flexibility; Final Webinar Series, 04.05.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
Weitere Information finden Sie hier.
- Breder, M.; Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Focusing on the impact of market splitting on power to hydrogen; MODEZEEN Hydrogen Workshop, 07.04.2022, Digital. PDFAbstractDetails
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; 10th International Ruhr Energy Conference 2021 (INREC), 16.09.2021, Essen/online. Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?Details
- Meurer, F.; Breder, M.; Weber, C.: Prosumers with PV battery systems in electricity markets – a mixed complementarity approach; International Conference on Operations Research, 01.09.2021, Online / Bern. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt - Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), 26.08.2021, Online/Seoul. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices in Germany: Does Regional Disparity Matter; 9th Mannheim Conference on Energy and the Environment, 20.05.2021, Mannheim / online. Details
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Regulatory and Policy Aspects for a Cellular Design of Electricity Markets; 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop, 19.05.2021, Virtual. Details
- Meurer, F.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Effekte flexibler Stromproduktion durch Bioenergieanlagen auf das deutsche Strom- und Wärmesystem; Workshop: Flexible Bioenergie – Markt der Möglichkeiten, 02.12.2020, Online / Leipzig. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.; Schinke-Nendza, A.: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach; IAEE Podcast, 09.10.2020, https://www.iaee.org/en/podcasts/podcasts.aspx. AbstractDetails
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
- Furtwängler, C.; Beran, P.; Jahns, C.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: StoOpt – Comparison of deterministic and stochastic optimization approaches in the German electricity and reserve markets; GOR Online-Workshop der AGs Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis, OR im Umweltschutz, Projektmanagement und Scheduling, 08.10.2020, Bochum. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: Estimating the impact of energy efficiency on housing prices in Germany: Does regional disparity matter?; VfS Jahrestagung 2020, 28.09.2020, Köln / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: A Novel Design for Electricity Markets based on the Cellular Approach; 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 17.09.2020, Stockholm. Details
- Taruttis, L.; Weber, C.: The Impact of Energy Efficiency on Housing and Rental Prices - Evidence from North Rhine-Westphalia; REAL CORP 2020 - 25th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, 17.09.2020, Aachen / online. Details
- Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian: Zwischenergebnisse des Beschaffungskonzepts zur Spannungsregelung (Projekt SDL-Zukunft); BMWi Workshop zum Beschaffungskonzept Spannungsregelung 1m 14.05.2020, 14.05.2020, digital / Berlin. Details
- Schinke, Aiko; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen; 7. Arbeitstreffen der User Group "Strategisches Asset Management in der Energiewirtschaft", 12.12.2019, Leipzig. Details
- Felling, T.: Solving the Bi-level Problem of a Closed Optimization of Price Zone Configurations in Europe Using a Genetic Algorithm; Informs Annual Meeting, 07.11.2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Quantifying the worst case impact of strategic bidding on a redispatch market; 16th IAEE European Conference, 28.08.2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Optimal capacity adjustments in electricity market models - An iterative approach based on operational margins and the relevant supply stack; 30th European Conference on Operational Research, 24.06.2019, Dublin, Ireland. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic optimization under price uncertainty in auction-based electricity markets – A Case study; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montreal. Details
- Beran, P.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Spot market price effects of reserve provision – analyses based on a parsimonious fundamental model; 42nd IAEE International Conference, 30.05.2019, Montréal. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Modelling Flexible Market Participants in Distribution Grids by Coupling an Agent Based Simulation with a Fundamental Model; IAEE 2019, 30.05.2019, Montreal . AbstractDetails
- Schinke, Aiko; Osinski, Paul; Weber, Christoph: Vorhersage kritischer Netzzustände in Verteilnetzen - Ein probabilistischer Ansatz für Netze mit hohen Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien; Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe „OR im Umweltschutz“ der Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR) , 17.05.2019, Karlsruhe. Details
- Voswinkel, S.: Preventing gaming on a local flexibility market; Strommarkttreffen Engpassmanagement, 15.03.2019, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Power-to-gas im zukünftigen Energiesystem bei unterschiedlichen Technologie- und Politikszenarien; Abschlussworkshop des BMWi-Projektes „LKD-EU“ , 27.02.2019, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 13.02.2019, Wien, Östereich. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – What influences welfare? - Energy Market Developments and Implications for Portfolio Management; E-world energy & water, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Coal Exit -Ecologically and Economically Efficient?; E-world, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Osinski, P.; Baginski, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Midterm Forecast of German RES Generation and corresponding Support Payments; E-world energy and water Kongress, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Podewski, C.; Weber, C.: KoNeMaSim - Kopplung von Netz- und Marktsimulation für die Netzplanung; 2. Statusseminar „Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze”, 21.11.2018. Details
- Baginski, P.: Spatio-temporal diffusion of residential solar thermal systems in Germany: A spatial panel data analysis; YEEES (Young Energy Economists & Engineers Seminar), 08.11.2018, Florenz, Italien. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Reserve Provision by CHP Units and its Impact on Equilibria in Spot and Reserve Markets ; 13th SDEWES Conference, 03.10.2018, Palermo. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: On the Evaluation of Multivariate Event Probability Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting; 2018 International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – The Effects of Using Heuristics, Lack of Cooperation and Process-Induced Uncertainties; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details
- Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber: The impact of sector coupling technologies on the future European electricity system - A scenario analysis; Operations Research 2018, 12.09.2018, Brüssel. AbstractDetails
Program and abstract could be found here
- Schinke, A.; Erlich, I.: Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation on Power System Dynamics - Panel Session: PV in Grid Friendly Services; IEEE PESGM, 08.08.2018, Portland, OR, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kiesel, R.; Weber, C.: Stochastic battery valuation considering multiple value streams; 29th European Conference on Operational Research, 11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Doorman, G.; Weber, C.; Farahmand, H.: Balancing market integration - Model-based analysis of potential cross-border reserve exchange between Norway and Germany; European Energie Markets (EEM), 29.06.2018, Lodz, Polen. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: How price zone configurations impact system costs in the European power system; 41st IAEE International Conference, 11.06.2018, Groningen. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Marktorientierter Betrieb von Wärmepumpen: Fallstudienbasierte Evaluierung von Flexibilitäts- und Kosteneinsparpotenzialen aus dem Projekt „Die Stadt als Speicher“ ; 15. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2018, Graz/Austria. Details
- Heidari, M. Sc. Sina: Global Gas Investments and the Impcat on European Gas Markets; E-world, 07.02.2018, Essen, Germany. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current Developments in Portfolio and Risk Management “Optimal Power Price Forecasting accounting for Forecasting Horizon” ; E-World Kongress, 07.02.2018, Essen. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; AIEE Energy Symposium , 30.11.2017, Rome. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Weber, C.: Preisgleichgewichte zwischen Regelleistungs- und Spotmärkten und der Einfluss neuer Regelleistungsmarktteilnehmer; VDI-Tagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft 2017“, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Beran, P.; Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Kurz- und mittelfristige Preisprognosen: Auswahl optimaler Modellierungsansätze unter Berücksichtigung des Prognosehorizonts; 12. VDI-Fachtagung – Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 09.11.2017, Würzburg. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices”; Second AIEE Energy Symposium, 04.11.2017, Rom. Details
- Deilen, C.; Felling, T.; Leisen, R.; Weber, C.: Evaluation of risks for power plant operators through reconfiguration of price zones in extended Central Western Europe; INFORMS Annual Meeting 2017, 23.10.2017, Houston, Texas, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.: Simplified Battery Aging Model – Implications for Storage Valuation; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 07.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Leisen, R.; Steffen, B.; Weber, C.: New Business Models and Regulatory Risk in the Energy Sector; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 06.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.; Weber, C.: A consumer decision-making process? Unfolding energy efficiency decisions of German owner-occupiers; 12th sdewes Conference, 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Böcker, B.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C.: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 05.10.2017, Dubrovnik, Kroatien. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; International Ruhr Energy Conference 2017, 13.09.2017, Essen, Deutschland. Details
- Beran, P.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious model for the complex German electricity system – what lessons to be learnt; SET-Nav Modelling Workshop, 07.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.: Optimal allocation of transmission capacity between reserve procurement and electricity spot markets; 15th IAEE Eruopean Conference 2017, 06.09.2017, Wien, Österreich. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: Modelling German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices with a Parsimonious Fundamental Model – Validation & Application; 15th IAEE European Conference, 06.09.2017, Vienna. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference on Operations Research – Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society, 06.09.2017, Berlin. Details
- Böcker, B.: Battery aging and their implications for efficient operation and valuation; Strommarkttreffen - Flexibilität, 25.08.2017, Berlin, Germany. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: A robust approach to transmission constraints in zonal electricity markets; IFORS Conference, 18.07.2017, Quebec. Details
- Böcker, B.; Bellenbaum, J.; Kallabis, T.; Weber, C: Development of a probabilistic methodology for adequacy assessment under uncertainty - considering spatially correlated uncertainties and flow-based market coupling; 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 17.07.2017, Quebec, Canada. Details
- Baginski, P.; Weber, C.; Kuske, K.: Regional distribution of small scale photovoltaic installations in Germany and its drivers: A spatial econometric approach; 40th IAEE International Conference, 21.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, W.: Inefficiencies in Zonal Market Coupling due to Uncertainties in Generation Shift Keys; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapore. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.: Impact of Geographical Diversification of Wind Plants on Generation Adequacy – A German Case Study; 40th IAEE International Conference, 19.06.2017, Singapur. Details
- Kolkmann, S.; Ostmeier, L.; Weber, C.: Evaluating intraday quantity risk of wind power production; International Conference WindFarms 2017, 01.06.2017, Madrid. Details
- Furtwängler, C.; Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Price equilibria in spot and reserve markets and the role of new player like CHP; ÖGOR – IHS Workshop 2017: Arbeitskreis „Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“ 2017, 27.04.2017, Wien. Details
- Felten, B.: Modellierung neuer Marktgebietszuschnitte in Deutschland und Europa; 15. Treffen der Expertengruppe H2-System des Netzwerks Brennstoffzelle und Wasserstoff NRW, 20.03.2017, Düsseldorf. Details
- Beran, P.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: The Fukushima-Effect and Plunge in German Electricity Wholesale Spot Prices – Analysis with a Parsimonious Fundamental Electricity Market Model; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Vogler, A.; Weber, C.: Strompreismodellierung “Forecasting the Distributions of Hourly Electricity Spot Prices; Strommarkttreffen, 10.02.2017, Berlin. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Valorization of aggregated decentral flexibilities - Opportunities and challenges under the current German regulatory framework and market conditions; smarter europe conference, 09.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Furtwängler, C.: Marketing Flexibilities of a Simplified CHP Portfolio; E-World 2017, „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portofolio- und Risikomanagement“, 08.02.2017, Essen. Details
- Frensemeier, E.; Hemkendreis, C.; Baginski, P.; vom Hofe, M.: Herausforderungen der Energiewende im Quartier; Forschungskolloquium, 31.01.2017, Dortmund. Details
- Osinski, P.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Regional modelling of electric load and renewable infeed time series in Europe; 11th SDEWES Conference, 08.09.2016, Lissabon. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Valuation of Battery Storage Systems in Second Life Applications; International Conference on Operations Research, 31.08.2016, Hamburg. Details
- Baginski, P.: Energy Efficiency in Districts – Non-technical Drivers; IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2016, 19.07.2016, Boston, USA. Details
- Böcker, B.; Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Stochastic Storage Valuation Consicering Aging Processes (Lithium-Ion); 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 04.07.2016, Poznan, Polan. Details
- Pape, C.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Estimating the value of flexibility from real options - on the adequate specification of hybrid electricity price models; 39th IAEE conference, 20.06.2016, Norwegian school of economics (NHH), Bergen. Details
- Felten, B.: CHP Plant Operation and Electricity Prices - Analytical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 39th IAEE International Conference, 20.06.2016, Bergen. Details
- Dietrich, A.: Erlöspotenziale für Flexibilitäten im Stromsystem; 8. Branchentag Windenergie, 14.06.2016, Düsseldorf. Details
- Felling, T.; Felten, B.; Niesen, L; Osinski, Paul; Weber, C.: Modeling Flow-Based Market Coupling – Theoretical Insights and Large-Scale Model Application; 11. ÖGOR-IHS Workshop & ÖGOR Arbeitskreis 2016 "Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 28.04.2016, Wien. Details
- Baldursson, Fridrik M.; Bellenbaum, Julia; Lazarczyk, Ewa; Niesen, Lenja; Weber, Christoph: Optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources – analytical insights; IEEE Energycon 2016, 08.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Identifying price zones using nodal prices and supply & demand weighted nodes; IEEE Energycon2016, 07.04.2016, Leuven, Belgien. Details
- Felten, B.; Weber, C.; Raasch, J.: Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps – Limitations of Local Pricing Mechanisms; Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science (SmartER Europe) 2016, 18.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Marktgebietszuschnitte als Chance / Customizing market areas – Do new designs for market areas solve current problems?; eWorld Kongress “Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement – Flexibilität unter sich ändernden Rahmenbedingungen“, 17.02.2016, Essen. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Wovon hängt der Wert von Speichern im zukünftigen Energiesystem ab? - Diskussion an aktuellen Ergebnissen; "Energy Transition"-Forum - Smart Energy - E-world, 17.02.2016, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Are Fundamentals Enough? Explaining Price Variations in the German Day-Ahead and Intraday Power Market - Invited talk on the issues of intraday market design; Seminar of the Chaire CEEM , 08.12.2015, University Paris Dauphine. Details
- Beran, P.: Der Fukushima-Effekt und der Verfall der Großhandels-Strompreise in Deutschland – Analyse mit Hilfe eines vereinfachten fundamentalen Elektrizitätsmarktmodells; Essener Energiegespräche, 01.12.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Rohstoff Strom – Wertvolle Überschüsse?; UMSICHT, 12.11.2015, Oberhausen. Details
- Weber, C.: (Warum) Funktioniert die Energiewende nicht mit dem Markt?; IER Jubiläum, 09.10.2015, Stuttgart. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 01.10.2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets - Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; 10th sdewes , 29.09.2015, Dubrovnik. Details
- Dietrich, A.; Weber, C.: Incentives for self-consumption and future penetration of residential PV battery storage systems: The german case; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Weber, C.; Felten, B.; Raasch, J.: Contribution of Local Pricing to the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Distribution Grids; 38th IAEE International Conference, 26.05.2015, Antalya, Turkey. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C: Different Storages and Different Time-Variable Operation Modes of Energy Storages in Future Electricity Markets; 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 22.05.2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical and numerical insights; Enerday 2015 - 10th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Kallabis, T.; Pape, C.; Weber, C.: A parsimonious fundamental model for wholesale electricity markets -Analysis of the plunge in German futures prices; EnerdayDresden, 17.04.2015, Dresden. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Dynamic Probabilistic Reserve Sizing Techniques on Reserve Requirements and System Costs; Enerday 2015, 17.04.2015, Dresden. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://tu-dresden.de/die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_wirtschaftswissenschaften/bwl/ee2/lehrstuhlseiten/ordner_enerday/ordner_pacp/ordner_fpap/presentations%202015/bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende – following a long‐term vision irrespective of costs?; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015. Details
- Weber, C.: The German Energiewende - following a long-term vision irrespective of costs; Austin Electricity Conference, 10.04.2015, Austin. Details
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; 5th International International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.03.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einführung von Preiszonen in Deutschland – Implikationen für die Integration des europäischen Strommarkts; Symposium Energiehandel 2022, 18.03.2015, Berlin. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Niesen, L.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen situativer Regelleistungsbemessung auf die Vorhaltekosten; IEWT 2015, 12.02.2015, Wien. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://eeg.tuwien.ac.at/eeg.tuwien.ac.at_pages/events/iewt/iewt2015/uploads/presentation/Pr_249_Bucksteeg_Michael.pdf
- Böcker, B.; Kippelt, S.; Rehtanz, C.; . Weber, C.: Storage Evaluation in congested Grids; SmartER Europe / E-World, 12.02.2015, Essen, Germany. Details
- Pape, C.: Viertelstundenhandel im deutschen Spotmarkt - Empirische Ergebnisse und Perspektiven; E-World 2015: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement, 11.02.2015, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Intradayhandel – Aktuelle Fragen an der Schnittstelle zwische Theorie und Praxis; EWI/FAZ-Tagung, 18.11.2014, Köln. Details
- Bellenbaum, J.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic welfare analysis for system adequacy - analytical insights; 14th IAEE European Energy Conference, 31.10.2014, Rome, Italy. Details
- Felten, B.; Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Economically optimized operation of heat pumps in a smart grid environment; International Conference on Operations Research 2014, 04.09.2014, Aachen. Details
- Pape, C.; Hagemann, S.; Weber, C.: Price determinants and their impact on day-ahead and intraday market prices - Explaining the differences; IFORS 2014, 18.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; IFORS 2014 Conference, 15.07.2014, Barcelona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Capacity Markets in Europe - Assessing the Benefits of Coordinated Mechanisms versus National Approaches; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York. AbstractDetails
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Photovoltaics and storage plants: Efficient capacities in a system view; 37th IAEE International Conference, 17.06.2014, New York, USA. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Kapazitätsmechanismen in Europa – Quantitative Wirkungsanalyse von nationalen Alleingängen versus koordinierten Mechanismen; 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, 14.02.2014, Graz. AbstractDetails
Abrufbar unter: http://portal.tugraz.at/portal/page/portal/Files/i4340/eninnov2014/files/pr/PR_Bucksteeg.pdf
- Weber, C.: Lessons learnet from the German Renewables Experience; Harvard Electricity Policy Group, 73rd Plenary Session, 13.12.2013, Marana, Arizona. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Trepper, K.; Weber, C.: Einfluss der erneuerbaren Einspeisung und Lastsituation auf die Net Transfer Capacity; 10. VDI-Fachtagung „Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft“, 14.11.2013, Köln. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Accounting for serial correlation patterns and non-normality of price distribution; international OR (Operations Research) , 04.09.2013, Rotterdam. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Towards An Integrated German Regulating Power Market - Benefits And Challenges; 13th European IAEE Conference 2013, 21.08.2013, Düsseldorf. Details
- Böcker, B.; Weber, C.: Storages in future power systems and their impact on efficient capacities; 13th European IAEE Conference, 19.08.2013, Düsseldorf, Germany. Details
- Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Probabilistic Wind Power Forecasting in Transmission Grids - Making use of Spatial Correlation; WIPFOR: 2nd Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting, 06.06.2013, Paris, Frankreich. Details
- Pape, C.; Weber, C.; Woll, O.: Forecasting the distribution of hourly electricity spot prices - – Using principal component decomposition and ARMA-GARCH specification; WIPFOR (Workshop on Industry & Practices for Forecasting), 06.06.2013, Paris. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Dynamic Electricity Markets - The Peak-Load Pricing Model as a Control Theoretic Problem; 30.05.2013, Stockholm. Details
- Weber, Steffen: Die Rolle von Speichern im zukünftigen Elektrizitätssystem - eine ökonomische Gleichgewichtsbetrachtung; Fakultätskolloquium TU Dresden, 28.05.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Ausgestaltung von Strommärkten im Hinblick auf ein geeignetes Engpassmanagement; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte 2013, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.; Himmes, P.: Ausgestaltung von Produkten und Handelsplattformen für dezentrale Akteure; Abschlussworkshop des Forschungsprojekts: „Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte“, 07.05.2013, Essen. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: An integrated approach to model redispatch and assess potential benefits from market splitting in Germany; Enerday, 24.04.2013, Dresden. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Market Splitting in Deutschland - Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Bucksteeg, M.; Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Auswirkungen von fluktuierender Windeinspeisung auf PTDF und ATC - Untersuchung am Beispiel des deutschen Höchstspannungsnetzes mit Zeithorizont 2015; IEWT 2013, 14.02.2013, Wien. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.: Market Splitting als Option für Deutschland; EWorld 2013, 07.02.2013, Essen. Details
- Zongyu, L.; Van der Sluis, L.; Winter, W.; Paeschke, H.; Becker, R.; Weber, C.; Eickmann, J.; Schroeders, C.; Oldewurtel, F.; Roald, F.; Krause, T.; Rogge, M.; Gilsdorf, P.; Wajant, P.: Challenges, Experiences and Possible Solutions in Transmission System Operation with Large Wind Integration; 11th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 14.11.2012, Lissabon, Portugal. AbstractDetails
The growing share of electricity generated from intermittent renewable energy sources as well as increasing market-based cross-border flows and related physical flows are leading to rising uncertainties in transmission network operation. This paper presents the current and possible future operational challenges from TSOs’ experiences, and provides a comprehensive overview of expected features that a toolbox
should contain for the stable operation of the transmission network. In addition, it outlines the research vision of the UMBRELLA project, namely better use of renewable energy forecasts, optimization of transmission system operation, and risk-based security assessment, as the possible solution to tackle the aforementioned challenges. In the end, a brief introduction to the UMBRELLA project has been incorporated. - Becker, R.; Weber, C.: Using Time-Adaptive Probalistic Forecasts for Grid Management - Challenges and Opportunities; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Weber, C.: Shale Gas and Photovoltaics – Game Changers at Regional or Global Scale?; 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 06.11.2012, Austin, Texas, USA. Details
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.: Investment decisions in electricity markets from the perspective of control theory; OR Hannover 2012, 05.09.2012, Hannover. Details
- Weber, C.; Woll, O.; Schober, D.: Renewable support and CO2 abatement in open economies – the role of price discrimination; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. AbstractDetails
A global GHG certificate trading system (or alternatively a Pigou tax) is recognized as the first best instrument for combating Global Warming in textbook economics. Currently such a system is yet not in place and is at best expected for 2020. For various reasons however some countries (notably the EU) are willing to adopt a frontrunner approach. Yet it is questionable whether going for a pure certificate trading system is the best choice under such circumstances. As an alternative, specific support schemes for carbon free technologies like renewables may be envisaged, e. g. feed-in tariffs or renewable quotas ( labeled renewable performance standards in the U.S.). Two potential advantages of such support schemes for renewables shall be investigated in this paper: On the one hand the possibility to use price discrimination between producers to cut down producer rents and on the other hand the possibility to apply price discrimination on the customer side. The latter is typically done for the financing of the support scheme - avoiding carbon leakage by crowding out of energy intensive industry. These potential advantages have to be weighted against the distorting effects of renewable support on carbon prices.
- Raasch, J.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Perspectives for Battery Storage Systems in the National Australian Electricity Market; IAEE Perth 2012, 24.06.2012, Perth. Details
- Weber, C.: Die Kosten der Energiewende- Milchmädchenrechnungen, Szenariorechnungen und andere Abschätzungen; Atomausstieg jetzt!, 27.04.2012, Ulm. Details
- Fritz, A.: Kointegration bei europäischen Brennstoff- und Stromterminpreisen; E-World energy&water 2012, 09.02.2012, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Towards a sustainable building sector - Path-Dependent Developments in the heating market - Posterpräsentation; Associated Poster bei der Sustainable Consumption International Scientific Conference, 01.11.2011, Hamburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Smart Grids und Anreizregulierung - Aktuelle Herausforderungen; IRIN Abschlusskonferenz, 29.09.2011, Berlin. Details
- Weber, C.: Förderung der Erneuerbaren Energien – Marktintegration, Kosteneffizienz und indirekte Effekte; 4. Eberbacher Klostergespräche zu ökonomischen Grundsatzfragen des Klimawandels, 15.09.2011, Eltville. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Customer driven market potential of heat pumps in private households; European Heat Pump Summit, 01.09.2011, Nürnberg. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; 4th International Workshop on Empirical Methods in Energy Economics, 14.07.2011, Dallas. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.: Analysis of the Transferability of PJM’s Market Design to the German Electricity Market; IAEE 2011, 21.06.2011, Stockholm. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Reducing Buildings Energy Consumption - Path-Dependent Developments in the Heating Market; 34th IAEE International Conference, 01.06.2011, Stockholm, Schweden. Details
- Fritz, A.: European Electricity and Related Futures Markets - A Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis; GEE Workshop, 09.05.2011, Essen. Details
- Eickholt, V.; Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Einsatz der CCS-Technologie in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung aktueller wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 18.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Die Auswirkungen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien auf den europäischen Kraftwerkspark; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung, 17.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Weber, C.: Wettbewerb und Erneuerbare; IEWT 2011, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Bauermann, K; Weber, C.: Energieverbrauchsreduktion im Gebäudebereich - Pfadabhängige Entwicklungen im Wärmemarkt; 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, 16.02.2011, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Benatzky, J.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Prognosemodelle für Stromvolatilitäten und Auswirkungen auf die Flexibilitätsbewertung; E-World energy & water 2011, 10.02.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Energienetze der Zukunft; 15. Fachkongress Zukunftsenergien, 08.02.2011, E-World 2011. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: Simulation von Strompreisen und Bewertung von Kraftwerksinvestitionen unter Unsicherheit; 1. CER.UDE Workshop, 01.02.2011, Duisburg. Details
- Weber, C.: Bewertung von Investitionsentscheidungen aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht; RWE/enreg.-Symposium , 13.01.2011, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Integration Erneuerbarer Energien in den Elektrizitätsmarkt - Marktentwicklung und Marktdesign; Symposium 20 Jahre IER, 03.12.2010, Stuttgart. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Weber, C.; Ziegler, D.: Ermittlung der optimalen Kraftwerksportfolios aus Investorensicht mithilfe der Portfolio-Theorie unter Berücksichtigung der Merit Order; 9. Workshop of Ph. D. student chapter of GEE, 19.11.2010, Berlin. Details
- Bauermann, K.: Die Rolle des Gebäudesektors für den Klimawandel ‐ Schlüsselfaktoren zur Emissionsreduktion; 1st IRUN Symposium on Urban Systems, 04.11.2010, Essen. Details
- Weber, C.: Is there a Rationale for Government Support to Low Carbon Technologies beyond a General Tax or Cap-and-Trade-Regime?; 29th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, "Energy and the Environment: Conventional and Unconventional Solutions.", 16.10.2010, Calgary, Canada. Details
- Schmitz, K.; Ziegler, D.; Weber, C.: Stationary or Instationary Spreads - Impacts on Optimal Investments in Electricity Generation Portfolios; International Conference Operations Research, 01.09.2010, München. Details
- Spiecker, S.; Weber, C.: European approach to balancing markets – spotlight on Germany; CPI Berlin Workshop, 10.06.2010, Brussels. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Multifaktor-Preismodellen am Beispiel der Ölpreise; E-World energy & water 2010, 11.02.2010, Essen. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Mean Variance Portfolio Theory and Wind Power Risk; 3rd Transatlantic Infraday Conference on Applied Infrastructure Modeling, 13.11.2009, Washington D.C.. Details
- Barth, R.; Apfelbeck, J.; Vogel, P.; Meibom, P.; Weber, C.: Effects of Load-Flow Based Market Coupling on Wind Power Integration in Europe; 8th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, 14.10.2009, Bremen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investitionsplanung von Kuppelkapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung des Ausbaus von Windenergie in Europa; ÖGOR Workshop. Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 24.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Efficiency in the Crude Oil Futures Market - Backtesting Recent Developments with Multifactor Models; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Risk Management in Markets with Limited Liquidity; IAEE European Conference, 09.09.2009, Wien. Details
- Woll, O.: Recombining Scenariotrees for Stochastic Optimization of Decentralized Energy Supply with Wind Energy and storages; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Bastian, F.: Gas Storage Valuation: Comparison of common Valuation Approaches; 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, 05.07.2009, Bonn. Details
- Felix, B.; Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Gas Storage Valuation Under Limited Market Liquidity: An Application in Germany; 13th Annual International Real Options Conference, 19.06.2009, Minho. Details
- Vogel, P.: Investment Planning in a TSO Perspective; Towards an European Electricity Grid, DG-TREN EC Workshop, 02.04.2009, Brüssel. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Konzepte zur Integralen Risikobetrachtung für Energieunternehmen; E-World energy & water 2009, 12.02.2009, Essen. Details
- Bauermann, Klaas: Settlement system based analysis of economic CHP potential in Germany; 3rd International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, 01.12.2008, Nizza, Frankreich. Details
- Vogel, P.: Results of the EWIS Market Modeling; Conference of the European Wind Integration Study (EWIS), 15.10.2008, Fredericia. Details
- Fritz, A.; Weber, C.: Impacts of Liberalized Natural Gas Markets - A Risk Management Perspective; International Conference Operations Research 2008, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Hedging Strategies Under Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation via Least Squares Monte Carlo Simulation including futures markets; Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 03.09.2008, Augsburg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Engineering Management Conference, 30.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Gas storage valuation: Comparison of recombining trees and Least Squares Monte-Carlo simulation; Engineering Management Conference (IEMC) Europe, 20.06.2008, Estoril. Details
- Vogel, P.: Efficient Investment Signals for Distributed Generation; 31st IAEE International Conference, 18.06.2008, Istanbul. Details
- Vogel, P.: Decision Support Tools for Large Scale Integration of Wind; DG-TREN EC Workshop on Grid Related FP6 Research Projects, 05.03.2008, Brüssel. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Bewertung von unterschiedlichen Gasspeicherkonfigurationen mittels Verwendung von rekombinierenden Bäumen; VDI Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft, 27.11.2007, Leverkusen. Details
- Vogel, P.: Modelling the Impact of Different Permit Allocation Rules on Optimal Power Plant Portfolios; 5th Research Workshop Emissions Trading and Business. Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR), 07.11.2007, Wittenberg. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Decision Problems Including Limited Liquidity in Electricity Markets; International Conference on Operations Research, 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Felix, B.; Weber, C.: Natural gas storage valuation: Comparison of Least Square Monte Carlo Simulations with Recombining Trees; , Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), 05.09.2007, Saarbrücken. Details
- Woll, O.: Optimal Investment in Distributed Generation with CHP in Liberalized Energy Markets; 11th Conference on Stochastic Programming, 31.08.2007, Wien. Details
- Weber, C; Vogel, P.: The Value of Decentralized Energy Supply and Demand Side Management to the Grid; 30th Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, 18.02.2007, Wellington. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Promotion Policies for Renewables and Rent-Seeking of Interest Groups - Posterpräsentation; 5th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research (INFRADAY), 07.10.2006, Berlin. Details
- Woll, O.: Parametric Programming in the Electricity Market; International Conference on Operations Research, 07.09.2006, Karlsruhe. Details
- Woll, O.: Valuation of CHP Power Plant Portfolios using Recursive Stochastic Optimisation; 9th International Conference on probabilistic methods applied to power systems, 13.06.2006, Stockholm. Details
- Woll, O.; Weber, C.: Optimal Dimensioning of CHP Power Plants in liberalized energy markets; 29th IAEE International Conference, 10.06.2006, Potsdam. Details
- Vogel, P.; Weber, C.: Decentralized Energy Production and Electricity Market Structures; 4th Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research, 08.10.2005, Berlin. Details
- Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The role of Power-to-Gas in the future energy systems; A case study for Germany and selected neighboring countries; 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, , Essen, Germany. Details
- Furtwängler, C: The prospect of heat from CHP with green fuels - Comparative analysis for 2035 using the StoOpt framework; OR 2022, , Karlsruhe. Details