- Pierre Pinson, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
- Dr. Luca Taschini, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
INREC 2018: 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference |
Conference: On September 25 - 26, 2019 the eigth International Ruhr Energy Conference will be hos ted for the second time under the lead of the House of Energy Markets & Finance. Under the main theme "Uncertainties in Energy Markets" the conference will deal with uncertainties and risks in energy markets. The two-day event at the Essen House of Technology offers not only discerning lectures and an attractive supporting program but also the opportunity to engage in exciting discussions with around 150 participants from industry and science. For further information to INREC 2018 and the registration please visit the INREC-website. |
INREC 2018: 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference |
Conference: On September 24 - 25, 2018 the seventh International Ruhr Energy Conference will be hos
ted for the second time under the lead of the House of Energy Markets & Finance. Under the main theme "Uncertainties in Energy Markets" the conference will deal with uncertainties and risks in energy markets. The two-day event at the Essen House of Technology offers not only discerning lectures and an attractive supporting program but also the opportunity to engage in exciting discussions with around 150 participants from industry and science. For further information to INREC 2018 and the registration please visit the INREC-website: www.inrec.org |
How do industry, policy makers and academia deal with long-term uncertainties while investigating future energy systems? What is the possible role of scenario analysis and what are the challenges when using it? These questions are at the heart of the workshop and shall be discussed at the interface between practitioners and academia. Thereby recent advances and experiences with energy scenarios both nationally and internationally will be presented with a focus on key uncertainties in the transformation of the current energy system. The House of Energy Markets and Finance together with the partners of the LKD-EU project invites all interested researchers, practitioners and students to join our event.
E-World Workshop 2018 |
Current Developments in Portfolio and Risk Management - Energy Markets in Transition
INREC 2017: 6th International Ruhr Energy Conference |
Conferenc Objective: This conference will have particular focus on the link between macroeconomics and energy and will be covering all functional areas of energy finance and commodity finance. Our goal is to stage an interdisciplinary platform for researchers from different fields and give insights on energy challanges from diverse viewpoints. Further information about INREC 2017 and the registration you can find on the website: www.inrec.org |
E-World 2017 |
Current Developments in Portfolio- and Management - Features of "Energiewende"
On February 9th 2017, in the context of SmartER Europe the following topics will be addressed:
Additional contributions can be submitted until November 30th 2016.
Final Workshop - StoBeS |
E-World 2016 |
INREC - International Ruhr Energy Conference |
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement - Energiemärkte 2.0 |
Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Portfolio- und Risikomanagement |
INREC - International Ruhr Energy Conference |
Abschlussworkshops des Forschungsprojekts Marktdesign für nachhaltige regionale elektrische Energiemärkte
INREC - International Ruhr Energy Conference |
INREC - International Ruhr Energy Conference |
INREC - International Ruhr Energy Conference |