Former Employees
Curriculum Vitae:
04/2016 - 12/2020
University Duisburg-Essen
Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
12/2015 - 03/2016 RWTH Aachen Universtiy
Academic assistant staff at the Institute for High Voltage Technology
10/2013 - 09/2015 RWTH Aachen Universtiy
Master studies of business administration and electrical energy engineering
08/2014 - 12/2014 NTNU Trondheim Universtiy
Master studies of business administration and electrical energy engineering
10/2009 - 09/2013 RWTH Aachen Universtiy
Bachelor studies of business administration and electrical energy engineering
Fields of Research:
- Agent based simulation in distribution grids
- Market interdependencies with smart participants
- Distribution system network extension planning
- Design of future energy scenarios
- Blumberg, Gerald; Broll, Roland; Weber, Christoph: The impact of electric vehicles on the future European electricity system – A scenario analysis. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2021 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112751Full textCitationAbstractDetails
The future transformation of the European electricity system will be strongly influenced by both an ongoing
integration of variable renewable energy sources (VREs) and an increased proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs).
This combination will cause considerable uncertainty, especially since EV diffusion may greatly vary regarding
both the spatio-temporal penetration pattern and the achievable flexibility level. Notably, power plant investment
in the long run and dispatch in the short run will be affected. Hence, this paper assesses the impact of EV
penetration on the integration of VREs and the costs of CO2 emission reduction as well as the necessary investments
in controllable plant capacities under the consideration of frequency reserve and backup capacity
requirements. Applying an extended European energy system model, we found that EVs with a high flexibility
level may contribute tremendously to improved VRE integration, alleviating the number of necessary VRE investments
to achieve emission-reduction goals. Simultaneously, overall system costs are reduced even though
necessary investments in controllable plants, ensuring the abovementioned system stability needs, significantly
increase. Policy makers should hence ensure sufficient incentives to both exploit the EVs’ potential and safeguard
corresponding investments in controllable plants, which need to remain attractive even though full-load hours
are decreasing. - Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Regulatory and Policy Aspects for a Cellular Design of Electricity Markets. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop | 18 - 19 May 2021 (2021). PDFFull textCitationDetails
- Flatter, Felix; Mohammadi, Sara; Wellßow, Wolfram; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Rasti, Sasan J.; Schegner, Peter; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Zdrallek, Markus; Spanel, Udo; Dickert, Jörg: ZellNetz2050 – Structure, Planning and Operation of a Cellular Energy System in 2050. In: ETG Congress 2021, Vol 2021 (2021). CitationDetails
- Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph: A Novel Design for Electricity Markets based on the Cellular Approach. In: 17th international conference on the European Energy Market (2020). doi:10.1109/EEM49802.2020.9221982CitationAbstractDetails
- Blumberg, Gerald; Weber, Christoph; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach - Podcast for the International Association for Energy Economics, Podcast (October 2020). Economics, International Association Of Energy (Ed.), 2020. Full textCitationDetails
- Uhlemeyer, Björn; Jakob, Joshua; Zdrallek, Markus; Baumann, Christoph; Wellßow, Wolfram; Dickert, Jörg; Rasti, Sasan J; Blumberg, Gerald; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko: The Cellular Approach as a Principle in Integrated Energy System Planning and Operation. In: CIRED 2020; Berlin, Vol 2020 (2020). CitationAbstractDetails
Will be published after the CIRED 2020 in Berlin.
- Broll, R.; Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Constructing Constistent Energy Scenarios using Cross Impact Matrices, 05/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
- Schlecht, I.; Wagner, C.; Lehnert, W.; Bucksteeg, M.; Schinke-Nendza, A.; Voß, N.; Inhaltliche Bearbeitung durch: Wagner, C.; Greve, M.; Blumberg, G; Schinke-Nendza, A.; Bucksteeg, M.; Weber, C.; Schlecht, I.; Hirth, L.; Lehnert, W.; Voß, N.; Burges, K.: Effizienzprüfung marktgestützter Beschaffung von nicht-frequenzgebundenen Systemdienstleistungen (NF-SDL) - Bericht im Vorhaben „SDL-Zukunft“, Wirtschaft, M Auftrag Des Bundesministeriums Für; Energie (Ed.), 2020. Full textCitationDetails
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Impact of dynamic line rating on redispatch. In: IEEE Explore - Digital Library (2019). doi:10.1109/EEM.2019.8916513Full textCitationAbstractDetails
Conference Paper:
16th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Ljubljana 2019
- Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian; Lehnert, Wieland; Bucksteeg, Michael; Greve, Marco: Marktgestützte Beschaffung von Blindleistung - Bericht im Vorhaben „SDL-Zukunft“, Wirtschaft, Im Auftrag Des Bundesministeriums Für; Energie (Ed.), Berlin 2021. PDFFull textCitationDetails
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.; Schinke-Nendza, A.: Sustainable Electricity Market Design – Challenges, Existing Contributions and a Novel Approach, IAEE Podcast, 09.10.2020, AbstractDetails
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
In this podcast, Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber and Aiko Schinke-Nendza discuss challenges and existing contributions to an improved sustainable electricity market design. Decarbonization and distributed energy resources are discussed as key drivers and the challenges for coordination in these times of digitization are highlighted. Specifically, a novel two-layer market design is proposed which contributes to solving some of the identified challenges.
- Blumberg, Gerald; Wagner, Christian: Zwischenergebnisse des Beschaffungskonzepts zur Spannungsregelung (Projekt SDL-Zukunft), BMWi Workshop zum Beschaffungskonzept Spannungsregelung 1m 14.05.2020, 14.05.2020, digital / Berlin. Details
- Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Modelling Flexible Market Participants in Distribution Grids by Coupling an Agent Based Simulation with a Fundamental Model, IAEE 2019, 30.05.2019, Montreal . AbstractDetails
- Gerald Blumberg, Christoph Weber: The impact of sector coupling technologies on the future European electricity system - A scenario analysis, Operations Research 2018, 12.09.2018, Brüssel. AbstractDetails
Program and abstract could be found here
Tutored Theses:
- Analyse verschiedener temporaler Aggregationsmethoden anhand eines europäischen Energiesystemmodells zur Bestimmung des langfristig optimalen Stromerzeugungsparks unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener E-Mobility Entwicklungen (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2020) AbstractDetails
Hier erhalten Sie weitere Informationen zur Masterarbeit
- Empirische Analysen und Szenarien zur regionalen Entwicklung des Windenergieausbaus (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2018) AbstractDetails
Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.
- Potentialanalyse von Data Mining in Energiebeschaffung und -vertrieb (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2018)
- Modellierung der Interdependenzen zwischen Strommarkt und flexiblen Marktteilnehmern im Verteilnetz (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2018)
- Anreizwirkung der Gestaltung verschiedener Strompreiskomponenten auf flexible Konsumenten und Prosumer – Weiterentwicklung einer agentenbasierten Simulation (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2017)
- Modellierung der regionalen Windenergieeinspeisung unter Berücksichtigung der Windgeschwindigkeiten verschiedener Höhenlevels (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering)
- Untersuchung verschiedener Netzentgeltsystematiken und deren Auswirkungen auf unterschiedliche Netzanschlussnehmer (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance)
- Auswirkungen vertikaler Netzrestriktionen auf den optimalen Energiespeicherzubau (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering) AbstractDetails
Hier erhalten Sie weitere Informationen.