Energy Systems and Innovations
Facing the challenges of climate protection and scarce resources, an efficient use of energy is gaining increasing importance. Due to the increasing infeed from fluctuating renewable energy sources, the balance between supply and demand on the electricity market is additionally becoming more difficult. Storage is attributed an important role, which can absorb electricity in times of a large supply and inject it back into the system when demand is high. Hence, the Energy Applications and Innovations Group is particularly concerned with economic evaluation of storage and load shifting potentials as well as the integration of electric mobility into the electricity grid.
Examples of considered questions are:
Analysis of the contribution of storage to the transformation of the energy system
Connecting the energy-economic and financial-mathematical approaches
Virtual hybrid energy storage – Bundling of different electrical and thermal energy storage and load shifting potentials in urban load centers
Market and energy economic conform design of business models for energy storage
Controlled local charging of electric vehicles at the employer
Coordination of load strategies and grid operation
Evaluation of virtual power plants – Economic efficiency of spatially distributed generating plants interconnected at the energy and control level
Market design for the integration of renewable energies – Examination of structuring possibilities for future markets with regard to increasing infeed of renewable, decentralized and fluctuating
Future heat systems – Cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency, CHP and infrastructural investments in a dynamic context
Projects that are primarily handled in the Energy Application and Innovations Team are: econnect Germany, StoBeS, Stadt als Speicher and other cooperative projects with companies in the energy sector.
Head of the Energy Applications and Innovations Group is Mr. Dipl.–Ing. Benjamin Böcker, who is also available as a contact person for relevant research and practical questions.