
  • Sieger, Lisa: Empirical analyses of market outcomes regarding energy efficiency valuation and renewable energy investments###LABEL_URLFULLTEXTSHORT###Details

    Climate change has become a central focus of political and societal concern, ranking as one of the most important global challenges of our time. To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement, Germany primarily emphasizes the increasing use of renewable energies and an increase in energy efficiency. The German government's ambitious goal is to reach greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045.To achieve this ambitious goal of a climate-neutral building stock by 2045, further investments in energy-efficient refurbishments and renewable energy technologies (and especially renewable heat) are necessary. 

    In this context, the main objective of this cumulative dissertation is to find empirical evidence for effects of energy efficiency improvements as well as of different heating technologies on real estate sales prices and rents. In addition, regarding renewable energy technologies beyond the aforementioned heating systems, different drivers for the expansion of rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems are investigated.

    Dissertation Business Administration, 2024, Tutor: Dr. Lisa Sieger
  • : Essays on the economics of distributed flexibility options in the German electricity market
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2023, Tutor: Dr. Andreas Dietrich
  • Kallabis, T.: Advanced modeling approaches for electricity market and system analysis
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Bellenbaum, J.: On the Economics of Reliability in Electric Power Systems with high Shares of Renewables
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Felten, B.: European Electricity Markets - Analyzing Concepts for Coupling Sectors and Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Felling, T.: The impact of improved Price Zone Configurations and Flow-Based market Coupling on Social Walfare and Congestion Management on European Electricity Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2020, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Baginski, Jan Paul: Key Drivers and Barriers for Energy Efficient and Sustainable Household Investments###LABEL_URLFULLTEXTSHORT###Details
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Kempgens, M.: Strategien für die Elektromobilität bei erweiterter energiewirtschaftlicher Betrachtung steuernder Ladestrategien für Elektrofahrzeuge sowie Minutenreservevermarktung von Elektrofahrzeugen
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Fritz, A.: Price Modeling in Energy Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2019, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Böcker, B.: Storage in future energy systems - Challenges of Valuatoin and Supply Adequacy
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Pape, C.: Electricity Price Formation in Europe's Changing Electricity Markets - The Merits of Fundamental And Econometric Modelling For The Valuatin Of Flexibility
    Dissertation, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Bucksteeg, M.: Market Design Elements for Systems with a high Share of variable Renewable Energy Sources
    Dissertation, 2018, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Raasch, J.: Flexibility for Future Electricity Systems - Analyzing Challenges related to Coordination, Complementarity and Predictability
    Dissertation, 2017, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Eickholt, V.: Internationaler Klimaschutz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der CCS Technologie: Quantitative Analyse auf globaler Ebene und für Deutschland
    Dissertation, 2017, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Baumgart, B.: Bereitstellung von nachfrageseitiger Flexibilität bei vermehrter Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energien Bedarf, Anreize und Potenziale
    Dissertation, 2017, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Becker, R.: Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Uncertainties in Transmission Grids T O Support Decisions Making in Operational Planning
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2017, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Hagemann, S. : Modeling Liquidity and Prices in Intraday Markets for Electricity - The Role of Fundamentals and other Factors
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2015, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Woll, O.: Limited Liquidity in Energy Markets - Implications for Trading Strategies and Risk Measures
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2015, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Just, S.: Three Essays on Markets for System Reserve Capacity and Balancing Energy
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2015, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Benatzky, J.: Preisvolatilität auf Elektrizitätsmärkten: Empirie, Modellierung und Anwendung
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2015, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Bauermann, K.: Modelling the Heating Market - Policy Impacts and individual Decision Making
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2015, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Schober, Dominik: Issues in Electricity Network Regulation
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2014, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Steffen, B.: Essays on the Economics of Electricity Storage Plants
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2014, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Sunderkötter, M.: Economics of Long-term Portfolio Management in Electricity Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2014, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Felix, B.: Valuation of Energy Storage in Competitive Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2014, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Vogel, P.: Markets and incentives for a Sustainable power system
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2014, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Spiecker: Modelling Selected Aspects of the Transformation of the European Energy Markets
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2013, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Wagner: Renewables in Future Power Systems: Implications of Technological Learning and Uncertainty
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2013, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Schäffler: Optimal Investment and Financing Decisions in Regulated Energy Networks
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2013, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • March, C.: Ökonometrische Modellierung des Rohölmarkts - Preisbildungsmechanismen und Prognosen der Entwicklung bis 2030
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2012, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Strohbücker, S.: Bepreisen von Preis- und Mengenrisiken der Strombeschaffung unter Berücksichtigung von Portfolioaspekten bei Großkunden im Strommarkt
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2011, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Walther, W.: Long-term price uncertainty of fossil primary fuels and implications for the electricity industry
    Dissertation Business Administration, 2009, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
  • Trepper, K. : Modelling and evaluation of selected market design options for electricity systems with renewable penetration
    Dissertation Business Administration, Tutor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber