Former Employees

M.Sc. Sina Heidari

Former Academic Staff

M.Sc. Sina Heidari


Curriculum Vitae:

since 11/2015

University of Duisburg-Essen

Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics

2012 -

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus

Master of Science in Power Engineering with focus on Energy Economics

2007 -

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Bachelor of Since in Mechanical Engineering


  • Hauser, P; Heidari, S.; Weber, C.; Möst, D.: Does Increaseing Natural Gas Demand in the Power Sector Pose a Threat of Congestion to the German Gas Grid? A Model-Coubling Approach. In: Energies 2019 (2019) No 12(11), p. 2159. Full textCitationDetails
  • Kunz, F.; Kendziorski, M.; Schill, W.; Weibezahn, J.; Zepter, J.; Hirschhausen, C.; Hauser, P.; Zech, M.; Möst, D.; Heidari, S.; Felten, B.; Weber, C.: Electricity, Heat and Gas Sector Data for Modelling the German System (2017), Documentation No. 92. Diw (Ed.), Berlin, Dresden, Essen 2017. Full textCitationDetails
  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Modeling power-to-gas facilities in a multistage system of natural gas, electricity and emission trading markets, Gas, 1St Paris International Conference On The Economics Of Natural (Ed.), Paris, France 2017. CitationDetails
  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The changing landscape of world gas markets at the horizon 2020, 2017, 14Th International Conference On The European Energy Market – Eem (Ed.), Dresden, Germany 2017. CitationDetails


  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: Power-to-gas im zukünftigen Energiesystem bei unterschiedlichen Technologie- und Politikszenarien, Abschlussworkshop des BMWi-Projektes „LKD-EU“ , 27.02.2019, Berlin, Germany. Details
  • Heidari, M. Sc. Sina: Global Gas Investments and the Impcat on European Gas Markets, E-world, 07.02.2018, Essen, Germany. Details
  • Heidari, S.; Weber, C.: The role of Power-to-Gas in the future energy systems; A case study for Germany and selected neighboring countries, 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, Essen, Germany. Details

Tutored Theses:

  • A Model-based analysis of the global natural gas markets by 2020 with focus on Europe (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2017)
  • Entwicklung der globalen Gasmärkte – Untersuchung von mittel- bis langfristigen Zukunftsszenarien für ausgewählte Regionen (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2017)
  • Eine Modellgestützte Betriebtswirtschaftliche Bewertung von Power-to-Gas-Anlagen; Analyse der aktuellen Situation und möglicher Zukunftsszenarien (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)