Academic Staff

M.Sc. Hendrik Kramer

Academic Staff

M.Sc. Hendrik Kramer

R11 T09 C20
+49 201 18-33994
+49 201 18-32703
Consultation Hour:
by arrangement
Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universitätsstraße 12
45141 Essen

Curriculum Vitae:

since 01/2020  University Duisburg Essen
Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics

09/2019 - 12/2019  50 Hertz Transmission GmbH
Internship in the department Concepts and System Strategies, Medium-Term Planning

10/2016 - 09/2018  Technische Universität Berlin
Master studies in Industrial Engineering, focus on electrical engineering,
Major on Electrical engineering,
Degree: Master of Science

03/2016 - 09/2016  DB Energie GmbH
Internship in the Energy Trading and Risk Management Department

10/2013 - 09/2016  Technische Universität Dresden
Bachelor studies in Industrial Engineering,
Major on Transport Engineering,
Degree: Bachelor of Science

Fields of Research:

  • Regionalization of renewable energy sources for enegy system modeling
    (particulary assignment of national installed capacities and production amounts on local scale to allow calculation of grid utilization rates)
  • Markets and their efficiency for ancillary system services
  • Market designs with regional price components to support local flexibility options



  • SysZellIntegrative approaches for the provision of system services in cellular systems (EWL)
  • MOPPL – Model coupling for integrated optimization of long-term transformation pathways - coevolution, coordination and robustness considering different system levels. (EWL)


  • ZellNetz2050 – Simulation of cellular energy grid strucutures for cross-sectoral energy exchange, particularily electricity, heat, gas and mobility (IEEE, VDE)
  • SDL Zukunft – Project of the BMWK to dermine the future demand and procurement of ancillary system services (BMWK)
  • Nemo VIII – Report to validate the network extension plan 2021 proposed by the transmission system operators (BNetzA)
  • Osmose – Optimal system-mix of flexibility solutions for European electricity, H2020 EU Research Project (Projekt)


  • Boehnke, Florian; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: The Value of Decentral Flexibility in Nodal Market Design – a Case Study for Europe 2030. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2025 (2024) No 169. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114396CitationDetails
  • Rasti, Sasan; Schegner, Peter; Flatter, Felix; Trossen, Christian; Goetz, Stefan; Kreizer, Ailen; Frerk, Julius; Zdrallek, Markus; Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Faesser-Stock, Fabian; Weber, Christoph: SysZell: a holistic approach for providing ancillary services in cellular energy systems. In: IET Conference Proceedings (CIRED 2024), Vol 2024 (2024) No 5. doi:10.1049/icp.2024.2002CitationDetails
  • Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data. In: Applied Energy, Vol 2024 (2024) No 361. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.122890Full textCitationDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Flatter, Felix; Rasti, Sasan; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Weber, Christoph: Modeling of large decentral multi-energy systems – An application to flexible heat pumps in a decarbonized scenario, TechRxiv, 2024. doi:10.36227/techrxiv.170861965.51606148/v1) Full textCitationDetails
  • Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Kramer, Hendrik; Flatter, Felix; Schegner, Peter; Weber, Christoph; Goetz, Stefan: Generic Technology Models To Simulate Flexible Operation In Multi-Energy Cellular Energy Systems. In: IET Conference Proceedings (CIRED 2023), Vol 2023 (2023) No 6. doi:10.1049/icp.2023.1138Full textCitationDetails

    Distribution grids are more and more penetrated by decentralized, flexible units. For this reason, aspects of active system operation become increasingly relevant there. The management of many active units on the lower voltage network levels is a challenge that requires improved data communication and multi-energy-system operation management. In this work, we propose a common data layer for different generic technology models that can be used in a standardized manner to depict energy consumption, generation, and conversion. The technology models allow to compute system operation points or dispatch schedules for different stakeholders related to distribution grids e.g., system operators.

  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Flatter, Felix; Kramer, Hendrik; Khalid, Abuzar; Uhlemeyer, Björn; Rasti, Sasan Jacob; Trossen, Christian; Mohammadi, Sara; Mayorga Gonzalez, Daniel; Spanel, Udo; Wellssow, Wolfram; Weber, Christoph; Zdrallek, Markus; Schegner, Peter; Kubis, Andreas: 'ZellNetz2050' – A Concept for the Efficient and Effective Operation of Multi-Sector Web-of-Cells Energy Systems. In: CIGRE Session 2022 (2021). Full textCitationDetails
  • Gaete-Morales, Carlos; Kramer, Hendrik; Schill, Wolf-Peter; Zerrahn, Alexander: An open tool for creating battery-electric vehicle time series from empirical data, emobpy. In: Scientific Data, Vol 2021 (2021) No 8. doi:10.1038/s41597-021-00932-9CitationDetails


  • Kramer, Hendrik; Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: On assessing the value of decentral flexibility given different flexibility deployment and TSO-DSO coordination, Enerday 2023, 05.05.2023, Dresden. Details
  • Pflugfelder, Yannik; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: A novel approach to generate bias-corrected regional wind infeed timeseries based on reanalysis data, Enerday, 05.05.2023, Dresden. PDFDetails
  • Schinke-Nendza, Aiko; Kramer, Hendrik; Weber, Christoph: Ergebnisvorstellung BMWK-Forschungsprojekt „ZellNetz 2050“, VDE ETG Sitzung, 16.03.2023, Frankfurt am Main. Details
  • Kramer, Hendrik; Boehnke, Florian; Weber, Christoph: Estimating the value of distributed demand side management technologies in Central Western Europe - Assessing regional differences in view of locational pricing mechanisms, 17th IAEE Europen Energy Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens. Details


Electricity, District Heating, Renewable Energy (Winter term, Master)
Exercises: Electrical load flow modeling, peak load pricing, combined heat and power production

Tutored Theses:

  • Frequenzstabilität im zukünftigen Energiesystem – Diskussion relevanter Störfälle (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, in progress) Details

    Weitere Informationen zum Thema findet ihr hier.

  • Der Nutzen von Batteriespeichern: Ein multi-kriterieller Vergleich ausgewählter europäischer Länder (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2024)
  • Capacity Management in Multi-Tenant Data Centers: A Statistical Approach to dynamic Tenant Utilization (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2024)
  • Wasserstoffwirtschaft im Markthochlauf: Evaluierung von Wasserstoff-Pilotprojekten in Deutschland (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2024)
  • Optimierung der Vermarktungsentscheidung von Aggregatoren batterieelektrischer Fahrzeuge unter Unsicherheit (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2024)
  • Regionalisierung von Elektrolysekapazitäten unter Berücksichtigung der Residuallast - Modellentwicklung und -anwendung (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Modellierung von Windenergie Einspeisezeitreihen mit Reanalysedaten - Gegenüberstellung von COSMO-REA6 und ERA5 Winddaten (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Zukünftige Bedarfsdeckung von Momentanreserve: Modellentwicklung und -anwendung (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2023)
  • Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Priorisierung von Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen im elektrischen Energiesystem (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Bereitstellung von Trägheit der lokalen Netzstabilität im zukünftigen elektrischen Energiesystem (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2023)
  • Analyse von systemförderlichen Photovoltaik-Speicher-Fahrweisen von Prosumern im Energiesystem (Bachelor Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2022)
  • Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von PV-Batteriesystemen bei aktuellen Strompreisen und zeitvariablen Tarifen (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2022)
  • Modellierung von Onshore-Windenergie-Einspeisezeitreihen mittels globaler meteorologischer Reanalysedaten (Master Thesis Business Administration - Energy and Finance, 2022) Details

    Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

  • Einbeziehung von HGÜ-Leitungen und (n-1)-Sicherheit in optimale Leistungsflussberechnung (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2022)
  • Assessment of Demand Side Flexibility Products for prosumers in a European Context (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2021)
  • Analyse von Privatfahrzeug-Mobilitätsverhalten und Eignung dessen zur Erhöhung des Photovoltaik-Eigenstromverbrauchs (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration, 2021)