The courses of the chair usually start “c.t.”, i.e. 15 minutes later, unless otherwise communicated.
Winter Semester 24/25

Electricity, Renewable Energy, District Heating (Vorlesung)
- Lecturer:
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber
- Contact:
- Term:
- Winter Semester 2024/2025
- Cycle:
- Wintersemester
- Time:
- Mo: 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr
- Room:
- R12 V01 D20
- Start:
- 07.10.2024
- End:
- 29.01.2024
- Language:
- English
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
- Linked Lectures:
Learning Targets:
• Get an overview on management tasks in the electricity sector and related topics (district heating, renewables)
• Analyze specifics in electricity economics and its implications for generation, transmission, distribution and sales
• Get an idea about relevant market conditions and customer segments in electricity economics
• Understand approaches for the solution of decision problems in electricity economics
- Basics
- Value Chain in Electricity Sector
- Market Structure and Unbundling
- Market Charactersitics
- Policy Objectives
- Strategic and Operative Management
- Mgmt of Power Generation and Renewables
- Basics
- Power plants as Resource
- Power Plant Scheduling
- Input Factor and Product Markets
- Portfolio Management
- Mgmt of Power Transmission and Distribution
- Basics
- Power-Flow Analysis
- Grid Structure and Operations
- Reserves
- Congestion Management
- Grid Usage – Contract and Billing Principles
- Balancing, Measurement and Billing
- Perspectives of Future Electricity Supply and Sales
- Power Plant Investment and Long-Term Equilibria in Power Markets
- Consequences of Increased Electricity Generations from RES
- Congestion Management and Grid Expansion
- Smart Metering
- New Player – Prosumer
- Management of Electricity Supply
- Key market segments
- Products and Prices
- Management of Generation and Distribution of District Heat
- Technical Aspects of District Heat Generation and Distribution
- Selected Aspects of District Heating Grid Management
Will be provided during the lecture