Former Employees

M.Sc. Roland Broll

Former Academic Staff

M.Sc. Roland Broll


Curriculum Vitae:

08/2016 - 03/2022
Universität Duisburg-Essen 

Academic Staff at the Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics

03/2016 - 07/2016 SKIBA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Gebäudetechnik mbH
Engineer in the planning of electrical building services

10/2013 - 09/2015 TU Dortmund University
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
Profile: Management of Electrical Networks

10/2010 - 09/2013 TU Dortmund University
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Profile: Management of Electrical Networks

10/2009 - 09/2010 TU Dortmund University
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Fields of Research:

  • Agentenbasierte Simulation im Verteilnetz


  • Agent.SimPlan


  • Blumberg, Gerald; Broll, Roland; Weber, Christoph: The impact of electric vehicles on the future European electricity system – A scenario analysis. In: Energy Policy, Vol 2021 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112751Full textCitationDetails

    The future transformation of the European electricity system will be strongly influenced by both an ongoing
    integration of variable renewable energy sources (VREs) and an increased proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs).
    This combination will cause considerable uncertainty, especially since EV diffusion may greatly vary regarding
    both the spatio-temporal penetration pattern and the achievable flexibility level. Notably, power plant investment
    in the long run and dispatch in the short run will be affected. Hence, this paper assesses the impact of EV
    penetration on the integration of VREs and the costs of CO2 emission reduction as well as the necessary investments
    in controllable plant capacities under the consideration of frequency reserve and backup capacity
    requirements. Applying an extended European energy system model, we found that EVs with a high flexibility
    level may contribute tremendously to improved VRE integration, alleviating the number of necessary VRE investments
    to achieve emission-reduction goals. Simultaneously, overall system costs are reduced even though
    necessary investments in controllable plants, ensuring the abovementioned system stability needs, significantly
    increase. Policy makers should hence ensure sufficient incentives to both exploit the EVs’ potential and safeguard
    corresponding investments in controllable plants, which need to remain attractive even though full-load hours
    are decreasing.

  • Broll, R.; Blumberg, G.; Weber, C.: Constructing Constistent Energy Scenarios using Cross Impact Matrices, 05/2020. Essen 2020. Full textCitationDetails
  • Baginski, P.; Bellenbaum, J.; Beran, P.; Broll, R.; Felling, T.; Jahns, C.; Osinski, P.; Weber, C.: Mittelfristprognose zur deutschlandweiten Stromerzeugung aus EEG geförderten Kraftwerken für die Kalenderjahre 2019 bis 2023, Essen 2018. Full textCitationDetails

Tutored Theses:

  • Mögliche Rolle von Wärmepumpen im zukünftigen deutschen Wohngebäudebestand - Simulation mit einem Nested Logit-Modell in MATLAB (Master Thesis Industrial Engineering, 2022)