ehemalige Mitarbeiter:innen

Dr. Simon Voswinkel

Ehem. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Dr. Simon Voswinkel



12/2016 - 05/2023 Universität Duisburg Essen
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft

05/2015 - 11/2016 Universität Duisburg Essen
Masterstudium (M.Sc.) Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit der Fachrichtung: Elektrische Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft / Controlling

10/2010 - 05/2015 Universität Duisburg Essen
Bachelorstudium (B.Sc.) Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit der Fachrichtung: Elektrische Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft


  • Voswinkel, Simon: Simplifying the Computation of Shapley Values for Allocating Congestion Costs in Large Power Grid Models, 2023. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4449794) VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
  • Voswinkel, Simon; Höckner, Jonas; Khalid, Abuzar; Weber, Christoph: Sharing congestion management costs among system operators using the Shapley value. In: Applied Energy, Jg. 2021 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.119039VolltextBIB DownloadDetails

    With energy generation becoming increasingly decentralized, the need for congestion management across grid voltage levels is also increasing. To enable fair sharing of congestion costs among grid operators, these costs must be allocated to congested grid elements. We propose using the Shapley value for this purpose. The Shapley value is a cooperative game theory concept that was developed to share a total surplus generated by a coalition of players between the players based on their marginal contributions to the coalition. We apply this concept to share the costs of congestion management between grid elements based on their contributions to overall congestion management costs. To reduce the computational complexity of the Shapley value, we introduce two novel simplification approaches and compare them to existing methods using a numerical example based on CIGRE benchmark grids. The first method exploits the fact that the characteristic function for the congestion costs is obtained from an optimal power flow computation (i.e., a constrained optimization problem). It utilizes knowledge about which constraints are non-binding in the optimization to derive the values of related coalitions without calculating them. The second method takes advantage of the fact that the congestion management cost-allocation game is monotone and derives the values of coalitions based on this property. Both methods are implemented and compared to sampling. Using the first method, we are able to reduce computational complexity to less than 20% of that of the original problem while maintaining exact results. Our second approach is not dependent on detailed knowledge of the underlying optimization problem and can reduce the computational time by almost half with exact results and much further when compromising precision. While the methods are presented through an application example, they can be applied to other games with similar properties.

  • Höckner, J.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.: Market distortions in flexibility markets caused by renewable subsidies – The case for side payments. In: Energy Policy, Jg. 137 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111135 BIB DownloadDetails

    Das Paper kann wie folgt zitiert werden: “This article can already be cited using the year of online availability and the DOI as follows: Author(s), Article Title, Journal (Year), DOI.”

  • Brunekreeft, G.; Buchmann, M.; Höckner, J.; Palovic, M.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.: Thesenpapier: Ökonomische & regulatorische Fragestellungen zum enera-FlexMarkt, 01/2020. Essen, Bremen 2020. VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
  • Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-based market coupling – What drives welfare in Europe’s electricity market design?, 08/2019. Essen 2019. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3424708) VolltextBIB DownloadDetails
  • Höckner, J.; Voswinkel, S.; Weber, C.; Kramer, N.; Rinck, M.; Börries, S.; Herrmann, A.: Der enera-Flexibilitätsmarkt als Zukunftsmodell für das Netzengpassmanagement. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Jg. 69 (2019), S. 14-18. PDFVolltextBIB DownloadDetails


  • Voswinkel, Simon: Using the Shapley value to share costs of congestion management in a realistic power grid model, 17th IAEE European Conference, 22.09.2022, Athens, Greece. Details
  • Bucksteeg, Michael; Voswinkel, Simon; Blumberg, Gerald: Zonal Market Coupling in Europe – Flow-Based Capacity Allocation with Integrated Redispatch, 43rd IAEE International Conference, 02.08.2022, Tokyo. Details
  • Voswinkel, S.: Quantifying the worst case impact of strategic bidding on a redispatch market, 16th IAEE European Conference, 28.08.2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Details
  • Voswinkel, S.: Preventing gaming on a local flexibility market, Strommarkttreffen Engpassmanagement, 15.03.2019, Berlin. Details
  • Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – What influences welfare? - Energy Market Developments and Implications for Portfolio Management, E-world energy & water, 06.02.2019, Essen. Details
  • Voswinkel, S.; Felten, B.; Felling, T.; Weber, C.: Flow-Based Market Coupling – The Effects of Using Heuristics, Lack of Cooperation and Process-Induced Uncertainties, 7th International Ruhr Energy Conference, 25.09.2018, Essen. Details

Begleitete Abschlussarbeiten:

  • Wirtschaftlich-technische Auswirkungen einer zunehmenden Elektrifizierung der privaten Haushalte auf exemplarische Niederspannungsnetze (Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsingenieurswesen, 2022)
  • Auswirkungen von Flexibilitätsmarktmodellen auf die Ausgestaltung von virtuellen Kraftwerksplattformen hinsichtlich ihrer netzdienlichen Nutzung (Masterarbeit BWL - Energy and Finance, 2019)
  • Analyse und Vergleich von Marktdesignalternativen zur Blindleistungsbeschaffung (Bachelorarbeit BWL - Energy and Finance, 2017)
  • Ermittlung regionaler, wirtschaftlicher Lastverschiebepotenziale in der Industrie (Bachelorarbeit Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 2017)
  • Marktüberwachung im Strommarkt - Internationale Ansätze und Anwendung auf Deutschland (Bachelorarbeit Betriebswirtschaftslehre)